Apr 28

Cloud 9

Category: Uncategorized

As if this week wasn’t dreamy enough, Emarosa went and dropped the first single from their upcoming album and I’m ON CLOUD 9. 


Because that’s the name of the song…?

I’ve been out in the sun a lot this week, cut me some slack. 


“I’m going to name my first kid Emarosa,” Chooch randomly said the other day while strolling through Disney. “It’ll probably get bullied in school but oh well.”

Meanwhile, I am fucking in love with Universal Studios. Disney World was good but man, Universal is killing it. Even Henry has smiled here and there (although it never shows in photos) and he even applauded after some of the rides. 

We still have another full day there and I’m already tugging Henry’s arm, wailing, “When can we come baaaaaaack?”

This is like, the dream vacation for me. THEME PARKS AND NEW EMAROSA, YES PLZ. 

Gotta go. Chooch befriended a bunch of ugly ducks and they’re trying to get into our room. 

1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. Alyson Hell June 7th, 2016 11:32 am

    “and he even applauded after some of the rides.”

    Wow. That’s pretty impressive. Like, applauded harder than at the Nuge’s concert? It’s impressive that he went on rides at all, so this establishment must be good.

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