Jan 7 2021
A Tale of 4 Wheelchairs
My mom texted me last week, asking me to send her a picture of my wheelchair.
“Which one?” I asked, and I swear I wasn’t even being an asshole.
“You have more than one??” she replied like she hasn’t been to my house before!
I thought that perhaps recounting how I acquired each one would be a nice stroll down memory lane and also because I don’t have anything better to talk about and need a distraction from Trump’s dangerous bullshit.
MY FIRST WHEELCHAIR was procured way back in 2012. I was at Zenith (these types of stories always start with that) when the broad I was with pointed it out. It was dangling from the ceiling and I knew I had to have it – and it was only $40!!! I called Henry STRAIGHTaway and he was like, “Wha—why?” I mean, why not?? I had to haggle with him for a bit but finally he was like FINE (honestly the only reason I even called him was because I knew it wouldn’t fit in the car and I needed him to arrange some type of pick-up, lol.
I really love this one a lot. I mean, you know what they say: you always love your first vintage wheelchair the most.
MY SECOND WHEELCHAIR was gifted to me like, a week later by my friend Wendy who randomly found one at some house recycle place thing and was like DO YOU WANT THIS and then I got spoiled, like “wow am I going to get wheelchairs all the time now?
I like this one a lot because it’s easily transported for photoshoot purposes!
MY THIRD WHEELCHAIR was acquired at a local antique shop in 2016 because it was my birthday and I wanted a present goddammit. This was also the same day / place I got my Mouse Attack sign!
I love this wheelchair a lot (I mean, I obv. love all of them) but it’s the one I baby the most because the seat is like super fragile-looking lattice. So I usually discourage people from sitting in it, though I have made exceptions for like, holiday portraits or whatever.
MY FOURTH WHEELCHAIR was a Christmas gift by our very own HENRY J., you guys!
He apparently had gone and inspected numerous w-chairs that he found via Craigslist, etc. But this one was the best, and without even seeing the others, I have to agree! It has a very medieval feel about it but I know it is not nearly that old.
It’s a real bad boy, the daddy of the pack.
I love these so much, and the semi-haunted vibe they give to my house. I hope that it doesn’t come off as me mocking disabled people because I’m not like “woo hoo paralysis is cool” I fucking swear to god. I just love these old pieces of history and imagining the people they served.
THANK YOU for letting me talk about my wheelbabies and distracting me from the news.
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That’s an unusual thing to collect. You are one of a kind!
Chooch is going to inherit some strange things one day, ha!