Aug 31

weekending with the Oh Honestlys

Category: Uncategorized

Hola, I’m here with a weekend recap. Henry and I both recently finally lost our 2.5 year streak at COVID dodgeball. I actually tested negative but am 100% positive in my heart and mind that I had it. Henry tested positive a few days later. I probably certainly got it somewhere along the way on our recent NJ weekend but luckily, I didn’t go into the office…or anywhere else because I have no life / no friends….between that time and the time when I started to feel NOT RIGHT.

We both just felt like we had the flu – I was more exhausted than anything, no fever or headaches, no loss of taste or smell. Just felt like a sad sack zombie. Henry slept for three solid days and then acted like nothing happened. I dunno, overall, not the worst I’ve ever felt, thanks to being vaccinated / boosted and I can tell you FOR SURE that I am ready for the next booster.

While this was going on, we told Chooch to say away from us and he mumbled, “That’s literally my goal every day.” WOW.

Anyway, all of this is to say that last weekend was the first time since all that went down that we were well enough / symptom-less enough to actually go out.

Chooch had been wanting to go to Duo’s Taqueria, a Duolingo pop-up taco joint next to Duolingo headquarters (did you know Duolingo is based in Pittsburgh? NOW YOU KNOW). He was even texting us about it from Mexico and we were like, “You are in Mexico, why are you sending us stuff that is in Pgh?” Anyway, we finally took him and he ordered for all three of us in Spanish and then acted like it was the most embarrassing thing he’s ever had to do even though he ordered with solid confidence. The lady who took his order said, “For your good Spanish,” and gave him a free taco card :)

Acting like he doesn’t know Spanish. Mmm, ok son.

Took our tacos to the cemetery and ate by the pond like old days.

Later that evening, I watched The Red Queen Kills 7 Times, in an effort to get back to my Italian horror / giallo roots. It’s been so long since I watched 70s Italian horror and that used to be my bread & butter, yo.

In between all of this, Henry was finishing my neon TV which I am still obsessing over whether you like it or not!!

On Sunday, Chooch apparently sat next to me for a second, which was weird.

Henry and I went on a long walk at the cemetery where I fed a deer – she came right the fuck up to me like we knew each other from the corner bar – and tried to persuade some frogs to come home with me. “I used to build hotels for you guys in the 80s! Don’t you know who I am??”

They didn’t care :(

Went to Target and bought the cats their ninth (??) seasonal cardboard scratchpad thing. “Yay, more stuff for me to kick blindly in the dark while leaving for work,” was the SOS pattern that Henry’s furrowed eyebrows emitted.

Aside from me going on a hangry rampage up and down Murray Avenue on Saturday, the weekend was pretty nice (except for the fact that hanging over my head all weekend was the stressful knowledge that NCT127 tickets were going on sale on Monday so that HARSHED MY MELLOW a bit  – sorry I just wanted to know how it would feel to use that expression and it kind of made me feel gross)!

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