Jun 8 2023

Today is a new day.

Yesterday started off fine but then around 4, things got stupid at work AND Henry came home with a really shitty story to tell me – these two things coinciding just really pushed me over the edge. I went from being so angry that I was vibrating, to so sad and humiliated that I was sobbing uncontrollably, and then back to wanting to set fire to…a place.

Basically, what I learned yesterday was:

  • I probably 100% require therapy for something that happened 20+ years ago;
  • I know the truth and that’s all that matters;
  • RAGE-WALK IT OUT. Reacting the way I really want to react is probably only going to backfire because that is what always seems to happen when I try to stick up for myself since I have a tendency of going from zero to psychopath in the blink of an eye.

But wow, I am always caught off guard by how much certain events and actions still hurt me to this day.

Anyway, maybe I will talk about this more once I have a chance to sort through my emotions, but it was a really bad time inside my head last night.

Henry and I went for a walk after dinner because I needed to rant and you all know I do my best ranting and raving while in motion. I had a library book to return so I suggested we walk to the Dormont library and then we could get some drinks at Dunkin’ across the street because that is JUST what this bitch needed, more caffeine. However, when we were walking to the library, we saw that the Boonseeker foodtruck was at a brewery across the street! What serendipity too, because I had completely forgotten that they were going to be there.

So we walked over, placed an order, and then stood as far away from the crowd as possible because I looked ROUGH from all the crying I had been doing. No makeup, unwashed hair, leggings and hoodie: I was a walking billboard for the kind of day I was having. Of course, our order got screwed up  (they gave it to someone else!!) so we had to wait even longer after already waiting a long time. Glad to have a Korean foodtruck in this city but it is a shining example of why America can’t have nice things. If we had been in Korea, the food would have been in our hands before we even had a chance to pay. America just doesn’t do “Efficiency” like Korea!

Some baby sat in a stroller and glared at me nearly the whole time. Join the club, baby. Sometimes it feels like people are lining up to make me feel like trash lol.

Here’s me looking 100% REAL in my BE REAL after we came home from nabbing Korean street food. But, the cheese stick cheered me up a bit, even though I *did* share it with Henry. Sigh. Made me really miss Korea, though. :( One day, I will return!

Another thing that made me smile was finding these pictures of Henry posing in my tutu from 2007! I thought they were lost forever because I couldn’t find them on Flickr and any photo I ever used on LiveJournal is gone because the site that hosted my photos back then was COMCAST which we no longer have.  Anyway, I actually asked Henry for his consent to post these on Instagram  (LOL who even am I lately) and he mumbled, “Whatever.”

People over there loved to see it, though!

Sadly, because of course let’s end this on a sad note, why wouldn’t I, I found out last year that the old friend of mine who made this tutu for me died from Covid. I hadn’t had contact with her in YEARS but it still felt like a kick to the heart to find that out.

Life is so fucking sad and weird, but also it can be OK so that’s what I’m holding out for: more “OK” days. Bring ’em to me. (Quickly.)

P.S. I have always been jealous of Henry’s shapely legs. Mine are like thicc tree trucks. Sigh.


2 Comments so far

  1. Blondi Blathers, proprietor June 10th, 2023 10:45 am

    I totally relate to the kick in the head that finding out an old friend or lover — even one you haven’t been in contact with for more than 40 years, in my case — can be. It really does come out of left field. I’m terrible for trying to analyze everything, even unexplained grief, and had to remind myself to just feel it, tough as it was and bittersweet as it still occasionally is, and let it be what it is instead of trying to escape it — as we tend to do when emotions are uncomfortable. The end of the 40 days (my water ritual following the death of someone I care about) is coming up soon and I hope by then this reaction will have found its place. It seems so weird. But I guess it isn’t. The best we can do is accept our feelings as they are and take gentle care of ourselves as they work their way through us. I think.
    Sorry you had a rough day, and remember: what we were and did in the past is not what we are and do now. We change; we learn; we are not the same anymore and shouldn’t be ashamed now of things we did then. A recent lesson for me; I don’t know if it’s of use to you but share it anyway.
    Hope you’re soon back on your unique and fun feet,

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart June 10th, 2023 12:30 pm

    Hi Kate – thanks for the kind words! I am not ashamed of what I referenced here because it wasn’t my fault. It took me a long time to understand that. I didn’t do anything to deserve what happened to me.

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