May 20 2008
Only thing missing was a good horror movie
We didn’t have any milk in the house, and since cereal and oatmeal are the only things I can make marginally edible, Chooch got to eat popcorn for breakfast. What, it’s practically a vegetable.
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that’s my homeboy… but he needs to stop looking so mature!!!!!
at least it was fresh popcorn, right?
not only fresh, GOURMET.
we do snackin’ right up in my crib.
Haha “Mom is great…gives us the chocolate cake!”
i dig the dino pj’s.
totally awesome.
and popcorn for breakfast is full of win.
it looks like delicious popcorn.
Popcorn = no. Kettle corn = YES YES YES.
I agree! Kettle corn is like popcorn all dressed up for prom. Best creation ever!
Seconded on the pajamas!!
Did you load it up good with butter and salt?
It was some gourmet Reddenbacher shit and actually tasted decent on its own! Thank god, or it would have been REALLY bad, lol!