Aug 9 2008

Unemployed Tweets and a Music Videeoh

Category: music,tweets

Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 16:22 Henry to Chooch: You pee in the potty and we’ll buy you anything u want. As long as its under 6 dollars. #
  • 20:12 Henry pissed off Chooch at the laundromat, so Chooch bellowed ASSHOLE. It had a nice ring as it reverberated off the linoleum and metal. #
  • 22:08 Even the way Bush SITS makes me want to curbstomp him. #
  • 22:11 –  “No Chooch, you’ll get AIDS!” #
  • 22:12 – Well-trained. #
  • 22:27 I’m cheering for my Romanian peeps for every Olympic event. Romania-what-what. #
  • 22:44 – Chooch wuz heer #
  • 11:30 Tried convincing Henry that it makes me hot when he cleans. He saw thru to my ploy. Rats. Lol, “rats”. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Now you can rest easy, knowing my inner most thoughts and movements.


5 Comments so far

  1. Bueno Mexicana August 9th, 2008 1:20 pm

    1st of all- the pic of chooch and henry doing laundry… LOVE it!!!!! so cute.

    2ndly- thanks for posting this video!
    i bet some people might cry a tad when watching it.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart August 9th, 2008 7:53 pm

    Probably only people wearing razorblade jewelry would cry at this video.

    I.e. You and me.

  3. Alyson Hell August 11th, 2008 10:08 am

    “Henry pissed off Chooch at the laundromat, so Chooch bellowed ASSHOLE. It had a nice ring as it reverberated off the linoleum and metal.”

    *cracking up*

    I can only imagine what set off Riley’s ire!

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart August 11th, 2008 12:22 pm

    I couldn’t help but laugh! Apparently, Henry was trying to help him toss clothes in the washer and he went ballistic. He’s so freakin’ independent!

  5. Nicole August 11th, 2008 5:07 pm

    Heehee, and the swearing begins!

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