Jul 7 2008
We went for a rainy walk yesterday in the ‘hood where Henry works. It’s one of those areas that’s half-abandoned and dilapidated but you just know the leftover residents have lived there their entire lives. A few people watched me suspiciously, not taking kindly to someone snooping around their hometown rubble; but there was a tall beanpole of a hooker strutting around down one of the back roads with an oversized umbrella, and she flashed her widely-gapped teeth at us when she passed and called Chooch a handsome man. Chooch was like, “Whassat?” when she passed, and I was like, “Someone Daddy pays when he wants to have filthy sex, Chooch.”
I saw some broad idling on the curb in her Blazer two separate times, each time with a different thug-type talking to her through the passenger window. I wondered aloud what was going on and Henry said, “We’re not in Pleasant Hills anymore, remember that.
The block parties probably got too swingin’.
Every town needs a good cobbler.
Next time Christina and I are on the hunt for a sleazy dive…
I’m not sure if this is a barn or a house, but I bet the KGBs hiding in there. And possibly the Lost Boys.
If I lived there, I’d use a periscope as my window to the world.
Was there ever a door so seductively blue.
This bench has a weight limit.
Shortcut to meth lab.
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i love all these pictures. so amazing. seriously.
and- let’s hear it for sleazy dives!!!!! woo hoo!!!!!
Thank you!
I guess we know where we’re going Saturday night!
Great pictures! You have such an eye for catching interesting things.
Thanks! I was going to say it keeps me out of trouble, but I think it actually ADDS the potential for trouble, lol.
Erin, these photographs are GREAT!
Please stop being so creative in all areas. Save some for the rest of us. You’re hogging.
You always make me blush!
These are so awesome! It makes me want to go there.
“Chooch was like, “Whassat?” when she passed, and I was like, “Someone Daddy pays when he wants to have filthy sex, Chooch.”
I wondered aloud what was going on and Henry said, “We’re not in Pleasant Hills anymore, remember that.””
*cracking up at these statements* That Henry! Always full of knowledge!
You took these with the camera that makes things look like a viewfinder, didn’t you? I LOVE the weird way it lights things. You totally have an eye for this. We are so going to publish a weird book together.
Thank you, Alyson!! It’s a good hobby for me, because I don’t get all stressed about it like I do with dumb writing.
I actually used my regular DSLR for this series, but I bet the plastic cameras would get some great shots of that area too! I love those damn cameras, but I like the instant gratification of using the good old digital, too.
I would love to write a weird book with you!