Mar 242011

I can’t tell you how many times I have sat in front of my computer, watching this video, wishing I had the chance to see Dance Gavin Dance during the Jonny Craig/Jon Mess era, trying to accept the fact that it was never going to happen since Jonny was kicked out.

But then last night my dream came true.

I was so happy that I cried. SO HAPPY THAT I CRIED.

I have so much to say about last night, but right now, I’m just going to watch this video another 87 times.

I can’t stop smiling.

  2 Responses to “And Then I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman”

  1. It’s amazing how much something that seems so simple and ordinary can change a person’s life and move them so much. I wish I could have gone with you! I’m glad you got to see them. :)

    • I can still remember the first time I ever heard them, where I was, and how I felt. I associate them with a really good time in my life, good memories. Chooch and I used to have DGD dance parties when he was 2! ;)

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