Nov 10

Blog Birthday Guest Post: Dusti!

Category: Guest Post,nostalgia

I’m totally honored that Dusti wanted to contribute to my little dog and pony show I’ve got going on this week. I met her by chance via a Craigslist ad I placed in 2008 looking for victims to animal mask-up and photograph, and ironically, she was a Castle Blood denizen at the time.

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I instantly knew she was someone I wanted to know, and she was the only person I kept in touch with after the Photo Shoot That Never Came Close To Happening.

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It only took 4 years, but we finally met up for coffee a few weeks ago after years of e-cordiality. I’m happy to call her a real life friend. Thank you for making me a little misty-eyed before Chooch’s parent/teacher conference, Dusti!


I’m not actually sure how long I’ve been reading your blog.  Our paths crossed on LiveJournal pre-2007 (obviously), and I’d have lost you to WordPress were it not for the joy of RSS feeds.  (Your LJ name* bewildered me a little, but I loved you anyway.)  (And your LJ is older than mine by 5 months or so.  We may have to have a girl fight over that.

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I’m not sure yet.)

(*Vagynafondue, ya’ll!)

*Anyway*.  This all means I’ve been sitting at my computer watching your online evolution.  But my gut reaction to, “What do I love about Erin’s blog?” is, “The photos!”  (You were expecting to hear, “The inmate penpal stories,” weren’t you?)  But it was your Mad Photography Skillz that made me initially contact you in ’08 (oo, you almost mentioned me in your blog yay! The Chuck Saga).

Anyway.  I friggin’ love these.  And I friggin’ love that you’re someone that has kept animal masks in your trunk Just In Case.  And I continue to hope that someday you will put me in a ridiculous animal mask, too.

Bunny Mask:

When Animals Wed:


Bunny in the Cemetery:

And this is probably my all time fav post (and I don’t remember if anyone else has listed it and if they haven’t I don’t care I’m doing it again so there)…
Undead Abduction:

Whilst I love your amusement park posts and of course your haunt reviews, it’s the photo stuff that I remember the most.

You’re wicked talented.

(..Shut UP.  You ARE.)


4 Comments so far

  1. Dusti Lewars November 10th, 2011 9:23 pm

    Let’s hear it for procrastination! YAY! *throws confetti*

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart November 11th, 2011 12:37 pm

    Better late than never!

  3. JDaniel4's Mom November 11th, 2011 1:15 pm

    Happy Anniversary! We all meet people from all different places.

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart November 11th, 2011 1:49 pm

    For sure, that’s what makes life so fun.

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