May 24 2010
Bonzi, the handsomest pipe-smoker.
When Alisha moved into her current apartment last summer, I was immediately entranced by the old-time creep factor of the house’s foyer and had been wanting to take pictures of someone in it ever since.
I just wasn’t sure who. Finally, Alisha’s pug, Bonzi, was like, “OK fine, I’ll do it. You can lose the number to the Humane Society now, Jesus Christ.
I wish I had a flapper to drape across Bonzi’s lap.
Miraculously, we were able to get Alisha’s cat, Fallon, to sit still for a couple of shots. This one was my favorite, sitting with their backs to each other in typical sibling fashion.
Doubly miraculously is that Chooch was there and managed to keep his big head out of all the shots, and only tripped over the lighting once.
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Awesome work, especially the last one! I need to make Alisha bring Bonzi around next time we’re out.
Thanks, Bill!
Oh, you guys will LOVE Bonzi. He’s the sweetest dog. She brought him here for Blogathon last summer and he and Don became friends!
In fact, when Alisha weren’t in touch for those two years, it was really Bonzi that I missed. :)
I concur. These are spectacular photos, you rock! I want to steal Bonzi, can you arrange that?
Best pet photos I’ve seen in a looooooooooonnnng while. The shot with the wine is just awesome.
Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback and I’m glad you like them!
That dog is an awesome model, did he take direction? “Chin up! Hold that pose… Okay I need you to mix it up a little bit, you keep giving the same expression.” (Yes, everything I know about photography I know from America’s Next Top Model.)
Haha, the shot with the wine reminds me of that guy that Christopher Walken plays on Saturday Night Live, where he’s always trying to seduce all the women who come to his apartment. :p
I absolutely LOVE the last one! I want a print, I’d definitely even pay for it! <3
Ha, he actually kind of did! He was really good about staying put, didn’t act fussy, didn’t bury his nose in his Blackberry. He made me want to get into the pet photography biz, to be honest!
I know that skit you’re talking about, LOL.
Speaking of prints, did you ever get the zombie one?
OMG What a CUTE puppy! I bet he’s that cute because his owner is so freakin fantastic!
I’m really glad you took these pics. I think I might actually get the one of the both of them printed and framed. :)
I’m glad you let me take them! I don’t think I’m done with Bonzi yet. I have outdoor sessions in mind.
Oh, I’m sure he’d love that! As long as we gave him plenty of sniff breaks!
That last one is PERFECT. I’ll say it again, you take the BEST photos.
You made my day, Elaine. Thank you!
It’s true Erin, really.
These are great, double triple extra great because they feature a Pug!
Thank you, Julia! Pugs are so sweet! :)