Sep 222014

*In case one day when I’m 72, I have a pressing need to remember exactly what I did during the weekend of September 20th, 2014. You never know. Except that you do.

We spent the entire weekend hanging out with Chooch, which was really needed after being away from him for 4 days. We’re never away from him for that long! God, we’re pathetic.

Selfishly, I suggested we go to Oakland because I’ve been craving arepas ever since I got pregnant.

Sike. Ever since Riot Fest, haha. Conflict Kitchen is focused on Venezuelan cuisine right now so…


Too bad their arepas were basically bland mush compared to the golden beauty I choked back in Chicago.


The plantains were on point, though.


Chooch and I rode the carousel while Henry pouted at a nearby table because he couldn’t find anything he wanted to eat. I know you guys know that I’m a huge spoiled brat, but sometimes Henry gets so ridiculously impossible to please that he makes me look like Tiny Tim Cratchet.

All humble and happy with nothing.

For real.


Meanwhile, Chooch and I had our own struggles: mounting our respective carousel creatives. I wound up on a dolphin even though that would have been my LAST CHOICE but I was too afraid to try to get on anything taller after all of the times I have notoriously gotten stuck mid-mount. And Chooch almost fell off of one so I was trying to hold him up but I have no upper body strength and we both kept sinking closer to the ground until I finally just dropped him.

Don’t worry, he survived.

After our merry-go-round hijinx (the girl operating it shook her head at us & laughed when we passed her on the way out), some girl took pictures of Chooch petting a dog and then we went to a nearby playground where we played hide n seek and I looked like I was peeking behind our car but really I was just squatting in the best hiding spot of all time. Suck it, Chooch.

Henry was still pouting. Then he pushed an empty swing because he didn’t have enough strength to push a real person since he couldn’t find anything he wanted to eat. #violin


And Chooch sweat a lot.

The next day we went to Harland’s fifth birthday, where I stupidly kicked a soccer ball while wearing TOMS and proceeded to break my foot and then I awkwardly helped a little kid slide down the pavilion wall and onto the grass below which was REALLY EXHAUSTING and I acted like a basic hero for a good three hours after, because when’s the last time I actually lent one of those helping hand things.

Henry didn’t have anyone to play with.

I know Chooch is mine by the way he eats cake.

After Harland’s party, me, Chooch and Janna went to our first haunted house of the season, Hundred Acres Manor! It was just cool enough for Chooch to wear the hoodie I bought him, which you’ll hear about in a rap song that I might post later this week, even though Henry will probably leave me if I do it.

And I was able to get all of my custom orders done in between all of this, so now I feel like the hugest weight has been lifted….and replaced with a run-ragged, sick feeling. Haha.

  One Response to “Saturday & Sunday: A Synopsis*”

  1. That hoodie is so badass. I also went to my first haunted house this weekend and it was good for my soul.

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