Dec 072015

Remember how last week, WordPress was all, “Congrats, loser, you’ve wasted 8 years of your life blogging on this site”?

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Well, apparently my present was to have my photo-uploading ability revoked. Actually, I’m sure it’s something that I did because I break all things, and after Henry spent FOUR DAYS trying to “fix” it on his own, he finally did what I suggested in the first place: contacted WordPress. They’re “looking into it,” so I can’t post anything that requires photos, which is, you know, all of them.

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I just want to be able to tell my imaginary friends all about my new(-to me) gray wig, my unbirthday zombie doll that Gayle made for me, and my Vintage Snack Attack party that was actually kind of OK! (I mean, people-wise at least, it was great!)

So in the meantime, while I’m over here trying to be the P-WORD (“Patient” — blech), here are some Vines that Corey and Chooch made Saturday night, because they’re apparently a Vine Team now and Corey is keeping a note of “Vine Ideas” on his phone for the next time.

When they finished making this one, there was a huge eruption of “YES! WE DID IT!!!”s and maniacal cheering coming from Chooch’s room. Some friends were still at my house due to being attacked by vintage snacks, so Corey, Chooch and Kara’s son Harland (he was helping direct the videos) nearly bowled each other over as they ran down the steps to show all of us. Corey was bitter because the reaction wasn’t as enthusiastic as he anticipated.

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“I GUESS NOT EVERYONE HAS VINE HUMOR,” he said as they went back upstairs to make more Vines.

They did another one too but I drunkenly agreed to let Chooch swear in it and because of my past inability to keep the line drawn between blogging and parenting, I think I shall abstain from posting it. As if anyone really thinks my kid doesn’t swear.

  One Response to “Don’t Cry For Me, Blogatina”

  1. Can’t wait to make more! muahhahah

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