Feb 12 2025
Not through with the flu
- I’m still alive. I know you were wondering (lol). But sincerely this is the sickest I’ve been in years. My fever finally broke on Monday (or maybe yesterday) and I still felt not right but had enough energy for the first time in days to at least do Pilates that night. And I started up until midnight! I had been asleep by 9 for the last several days.
- But then yesterday afternoon, a new development arose where I felt suddenly like I was at sea. It was so bad that I logged off word an hour early and you know it’s dire when I wave the flag at work. I never actually threw up but I felt green and curled up like a shivering shrimp on the couch. Henry had run out to the store before this and was like “Jesus” when he came home and saw me down for the count.
- I can’t get rid of bullet points.
- All I wanted to eat for dinner was pizza from the freezer section of a grocery store. It was all I could stomach or even think about without hiccuping bile.
- Today all I wanted was a brownie.
- Anyway, here is a picture of my Pappap’s house in springtime which is my happy place and boy howdy do I ever need a happy place right now.
Feb 9 2025
Things I Have Done While I’m Sick
- Finished “We Could Be Rats” on audio in nearly one day
- Pressed my forehead to the ice cold glass of the front door while sighing, “ahhhh.”
- Ate lots of sugar. My sick body wants sugar, my sick body gets sugar.
- Threw some of the cookies Henry brought home for me back at him while shouting DISGUSTING!!!! Because am I direct conduit for the DEVIL when I’m sick.
- Watched a bunch of AP Bio and then erupted into coughing fits while laughing.
- Created an account on a global penpal site so I can find Romanian penpals.
- Questioned why I still have a fever after three days and then told Henry to “STFU dork” when he tried to mansplain health class to me.
- Forced myself to still get 10000 everyday while shuffling in place with a blanket over my head with Henry in the other room yelling at me to SIT DOWN.
- Told Chooch I have a fever. “That sucks,” he replied which is actually a lot more caring than I what I expected from him.
- Got Henry sick.
- Had insane fever dreams featuring Robin Scherbatsky and a bleeding sky and of course both my mom’s house and pappap’s house.
- Not cared about the Super Bowl even once.
- Watched old episodes of Going Seventeen and let it lull me to sleep because I guess these are what I would consider my comfort rewatches.
- Argued with henry over who is sicker and accused him of copying me.
- Remembered that I never jotted down my thoughts of breakfast last weekend with Pam. We went to the old Tom’s Diner, recently reborn as SPARKIES and I have to tell you, it did not inspire the SPARKIES within me. First of all, they did a dastardly thing by shitting their faux-rustic decor all over what was once an authentic 50s diner aesthetic. It felt jarring from the get-go, drab and bleak. I fucking hate that putrid olive color on the walls. Our server was militant and lacked personality – she made me so uncomfy and I kept profusely thanking her because she made me feel like we were impeding upon her time. The menu was stupid and expensive. I had the GREASIEST omelet of my life served with a side of burnt and dry home fries. There was supposed to be feta in my omelet bug it was clumped together in one small section which I never made it to because the grease was making me queasy so Henry ate my leftovers later that day – also got sick – and said “oh wow all of the feta is right here”. The rye toast was very good though. I will likely never go back so don’t ask me to meet you there.
- Had another coughing fit because Henry is making more Taemin pins as I type this and now the house reeks of cooked shrinky dink.
- Watched lots of Romania content on YouTube. My tax refund is burning a hole in my savings account as we try to figure out travel dates. I hope I’m not jinxing anything because I have wanted to go to Romania for like 20 years and it would be so magical to have our “honeymoon” there. (Honeymoon lol.)
- watching Henry working very diligently.
You guys I need to sign off now. I want to stick my head in a vat of Vick’s Vaporub. My lungs are craving that sweet ass eucalyptus burn.
UPDATE: Henry thinks he’s so cool because he has a fever now too (mine broke at one point today but don’t worry – I’m back in feverish action) so are now competing to see who’s is higher and I beat him by .2 degrees!!! 101.8 to 101.6 boiiiiiii.
No commentsFeb 8 2025
Reporting from my sick bed
I managed to avoid contracting any of the flus or other bugs going around for quite some time but my luck has officially run out. I’ve been sick since Thursday and just dealing with it – I work from home so it’s whatever bug Henry took my temp last night and it was 103 lol. Oops.
I was hoping I would be all better today but it’s been bouncing between 102 and 103 all day and I can’t stop hacking.
I’m really nervous about this because the Taemin concert is next Sunday. Hopefully I will be back to 100% by then but sometimes these coughs can linger and I do not want to be dry-coughing while beautiful Taemin is on stage being beautiful.
We made a bunch of pins to pass out as freebies and I fucking swear to god if I’m not feeling up to it I will cry (as will Henry because you know I delegated this project to him. Crafting makes me tired! I’m the idea person. He’s the implementer. That’s why we make such a great team lol!).
Also, I haven’t painted my nails since November. That’s how you know I am deeply depressed.
Ok I’m going to go now and continue coughing my face off while simultaneously grasping my lower back and saying, “ow” in the voice of a dying horse.
No commentsFeb 5 2025
Keystone crap
never forget that I was already on to him and have felt that he was a shitty person for yearsI wanted to get out of the house on Saturday and into the actual sunshine if you can believe the sun was shining in January.
(Lol came here a day later to say it was actually February now that I think about it! Calendars are cool.)
It was pretty cold – for a while we didn’t see any other walkers and it was kind of creepy. Not to mention icy. Dangerously so. I kept hoping Henry would fall hahaha.
This place is actually quite boring if you ask me BUT it’s dear to my heart because this is where the infamous VAMPIRE THING happened which I kept referencing that day and Henry was getting so annoyed and then after I called him a cunt for the 87th time, threatened to push me into the frozen lake.
We both said simultaneously that that kid in a hoodie and shorts reminded us of Chooch. :(
I was talking about how disgusting it is that people actually go out on frozen lakes to fish. “How do they know the ice won’t crack??” I cried and Henry was like, “Well, considering there’s a big crack right there, I wouldn’t go near it” and for some reason this was so funny to me, Henry being an ice crack inspector suddenly.
Anyway, that’s all that really happened. We just ranted about Trump and I probably also threw in some Blake Lively hate because I AM OBSESSED with following all of the It Ends With Us legal drama ever since it started, being a Forever Anti. I stand by the fact that she was THE WORST part of Gossip Girl – insufferable, untalented, had the most boring scenes. And I am LOVING the fact that her precious husband RYAN REYNOLDS is now showing his true colors to the rest of the world and never forget that I was already on to him and have felt that he was a shitty person for years, thank you very much. I hope they both just go away.
Um, what else. Then we went to Sheetz so I could get a hot bev because that area doesn’t believe in cafes I guess, and then we stopped at some place called AUGGIE’S BEER WAREHOUSE where I got a 4-pack of a Voodoo IPA that was on sale for $12.99 but the guy rang it up as $26 or something and Henry just…paid it? Without question?
I was like, in my best non-Karen voice, “Um, excuse me but I think that it was marked down to $12.99” and the guy immediately saw that I was correct (it wasn’t his fault anyway – he scanned the barcode and didn’t see the BLACK ON BLACK MARKER that had the sale price written on it. So, he refunded us and I made some lame joke about I WAS GONNA SAY, WOW THAT’S SOME OUTRAGEOUS TAX HAHAHA ugh to really try to diffuse any lingering scent of KAREN that might have been hanging in the air. When we got to the car though I was like WOW YOU WERE REALLY JUST GOING TO PAY DOUBLE AND TAKE IT!
And Henry was all, “I wasn’t paying attention…”
Oh, even better. Glad I was there to be his shopping advocate?!
But yo, this is one of my new faves and I would gladly go back and pay full price for another 4-pack!
Well, that’s all I have for now. I had to reschedule my therapy to today because I was asked to come into the office yesterday for this crazy long and intense meeting that I was very appreciative of being included in but between that, a work post-holiday get together at a bar on Mt Washington, and then an EMDR session today, I am so wiped out. My therapist knows me so well now and when I was telling her about yesterday, she was like, “Oh wow, that is A LOT for you, that’s really an atypical day” and I was like, “YOU KNOW THAT’S RIGHT.” More on all of that later, it was actually a good day just overwhelming, and I have to cuddle with Peenlop now.
No commentsFeb 3 2025
Obsessions of Late
Today I am going to talk about some of my latest obsessions because if there is one thing synonymous with Erin Rachelle Kelly it’s “obsessions.”
- Marching band jackets
G-Dragon recently performed at Taeyang’s concert in Korea and he was wearing this DARLING and REGAL cropped marching band-esque jacket which probably cost something akin to a down payment on a house.
So, I started searching eBay for marching band jackets which sent me on a spiral Saturday night.
I found one from some high school in California that is also apparently RON HOWARD’S alma mater, I guess. I said the size out loud which was very foreign to me (36L).
“Is that a big size?” Henry asked.
“I dunno! I wasn’t in band. Well, I was but I quit before I got that far because I chose tennis. Which I also quit. Because all I do is quit. I’m like the opposite of DJ Khalid.”
I’m back on my Romania kick – we are tentatively planning our belated honeymoon Transylvania tour for hopefully sometime late summer. To prepare, I have been trying to read some books that take place in Romania. In the one I just read set during the 1970s Communist-era, there was a reference to something called COLIVA and the footnote said that it was food prepared for and associated with funerals in Romania.
In a nutshell, it’s described as a “sweet pudding made from boiled wheat” and it’s traditionally feasted upon during ST LUCY’S DAY celebrations. Now, this is appealing to me as well because as saints go, St. Lucy is one of the coolest. I was talking about this in group chat and Glenn was acting like I had made her up? He was like, “if you say so” when I said she’s the saint that holds eye balls on a platter, as if this hasn’t been something depicted in artwork for centuries?
I was really mad for like 1/3 of the day when he said that. YES, I DO SAY SO, GLENN.
Look, it’s a statue of St Lucy that was made BECAUSE I SAID SO:
Anyway, we’re now going to start celebrating St. Lucy’s Day in our household because I want to eat coliva but I want to EAT IT FOR THE RIGHT REASONS, if you know what I mean. I already added a reminder in my phone.
3. Being a beer snob
I don’t know who this new Erin is but I am very confused by her. I spent my whole teenage and adult life up until recently despising beer so much and now I am obsessed with trying all the different kinds. I look forward to the weekend because sometimes we go to the beer distributor and build our own 6 packs which is exciting and fun for me (see also: life is meaningless with Chooch in college, so on and so forth).
Sometimes I made Henry watch beer videos on YouTube.
“What if all of a sudden I became a brewer? And I was real serious and wore a lab coat? NO – I WORE A MARCHING BAND JACKET.”
Full circle.
Anyway, I think for our ANNIVERSARY lololololololololol we are going to Cooperstown, NY to visit Ommegang Brewery which specializes in BELGIAN BEER and are also a sub from one of my fave Belgian brewers, Duval. I mean, this is assuming that I’m still into beer by the end of March. You know me and whims and how they blow freely with the breeze.
This was the beer that got me on the ol’ Google Horn. I mean, the can alone is ADORBS and I actually still have it sitting in the kitchen because I can’t bear to pitch it and I want to do art with it.
Which will inevitably require metalcutting tools which means I will be delegating the art to Henry.
This is a blast-from-the-past obsession from a younger Erin with greener infatuations, but remember a few years ago when I posted about finding this AUTOGRAPHED HEADSHOT OF SOME BRITISH TV/RADIO PERSONALITY when we were cleaning out a closet or something?
Well, that was in 2018 and this bitchin’ piece of history has been floating from one junk drawer to the next before eventually finding a home between the pages of a notebook. BUT DRIFT NO LONGER, SWEET CLIVE PEARSE – you finally have a home:
Why am I seriously such a loser.
There is a dumb story behind nearly everything in my house but no one ever asks when they come here and boy, are they missing out.
On that note, I just yelled, “WHAT ARE YOU GETTING ME FOR VALENTINE’S DAY, YOU CUNT?” to Henry and now I shall close my laptop and try to find something productive to do. Like, search for more marching band jackets. Janna if you’re reading this and you still have your band jacket, give me it.
No commentsFeb 1 2025
le gala des pieces jaunes
I am so obsessed with this. I am so glad G-Dragon is performing again because similar to the last time we had a dictator stinking up the White House, I am letting myself get lost in kpop delulu land again as a reprieve from all of the doom and extreme panic I feel and no one helps with that more than G-Dragon. Then add in Taeyang and this feels like such cozy comfort and nostalgia.
This song is a classic. I never tire of hearing Taeyang performing this and all these years later I am still so glad that I sold our 2017 Riot Fest tickets for one Taeyang concert ticket. It was worth every penny.
Can we talk about G-Dragon’s wardrobe changes? He looked like such a fucking prince. Of course BTS fans (the insane ones, I realize there are normal ones out there but sadly it’s the crazy ones that are the loudest) said that he looked like he just came in off the street, LOL. OK. Calm down, we know you’re mad that he performed at the same concert as your fave and the GP ate him up more because he’s a living legend.
Anyway, this was a charity concert in Paris benefiting sick children. Katy Perry headlined, and GD and Taeyang were in the middle of the lineup. However, when the concert was edited for the televised replay, the editors moved this performance to the end after seeing how insane the crowd reaction was. It’s really helping me decompress this week but I still am daydreaming hourly about Trump tumbling headfirst down a set of concrete steps while eating a Big Mac, landing with a broken neck and choking to death while being ignored and stepped on by migrants and minorities of all walks of life trying to enter the unisex bathroom that his wide orange berth is blocking.
Somewhere nearby, Elon Musk melts inside an exploded Cyber Truck.
Fuck you, both.
G-Dragon for President.
No commentsJan 30 2025
Runaway thoughts
I opened this up and then immediately had my daily hard cry and now I can’t remember what I wanted to say. These crying jags are really getting tiresome. Between desperately trying to ease into some sort of “new normal” and shaking with rage about EVERYTHING happening in this country and broken society, I just want to disappear for a while. Even if that just means sitting in a dark closet for a few hours.
Or a tent. A kids tent. The vinyl play tent kind. I had one of those in my first apartment but god only knows what became of it. I remember baking Jeff a pumpkin pie and making him eat inside the tent even though it was way undercooked and raw (this all so euphemism-y and it was so chaste actually).
Today I realized that I missed the anniversary of the day we adopted Drew and Penelope from Sandy’s friend’s parents’ basement (lol) by a week. So then I made the fatal error of going back in my blog and reading those posts from the first few days after we brought them home and I had to shut it down real quick. I knew I would be really sad about this for a long time but I didn’t think that my grief would be almost at the same level as it was over the summer after Drew died. I feel so stuck. We did talk about this in my session on Tuesday and I think we are going to revisit EMDR with this and try different positive reinforcements or whatever, I can’t remember now because my brain feels like it’s stuffed with faux fur.
When I woke up Monday morning, I was on the heels of some very real and vivid dreams about giant cardinals that were supposed to be her, and I just lay there in the dark crying, and my mind was spinning with all of these memories of her and suffice to say, the next two nights I slept on the couch because I was feeling super averse to the bedroom after that. I did sleep in bed last night though and it was OK.
It’s just weird because when my friends are like “how are you?” I just say I’m fine because it seems like saying, “I miss my fucking cat and I can’t stop crying” makes people feel uncomfortable, I don’t know. So instead, I’m like, “please watch this Kpop video I’m obsessed with” because I don’t know how else to really function right now, not to mention the high anxiety caused by Trump not just every single day but multiple times a day, basically hourly. If I could just punch him repeatedly in the face while kicking him in his shriveled carrot dick, it would solve a lot of issues in one fell swoop. Dare to dream.
When I was in elementary school, I was super into collecting stickers and had a ROBUST repertoire of sticker books. I remember specifically having a big, deep purple tote bag that was stuffed to seam-splitting proportions with some of the books and I loved sitting on the floor and taking out all of the books so I was surrounded by them, the fruits of my dedicated card shop and drug store scouring, gumball machine treasures, card pack freebies. Puffy stickers, scratch n sniff, holographic – I had no favorites, I loved them all. (I did have a special book just for Scratch-n-Sniffs though!)
Anyway, my therapist was like, “Is there anything you can do to get some of that old happiness back?” when I was telling her that I have taken to reading old blog posts from the past 8 or 9 years before bed so I can try to fall asleep with happy thoughts of when things were better and we were still all together as a family and we went on road trips and had both cats and I didn’t cry every day.
I didn’t really have a viable answer to that right away, short of going back to carrying around my security stuffed animal, Purple. But now then I started thinking about those stickers apropos of nothing and maybe I should collecting something simple like that again? Something that will give me joy when I find a thing I was looking for?
Like, maybe JUST STICKERS?! Let’s not overthink this, Erin.
My sticker book story has a really tragic ending though because as I got older and wasn’t collecting them anymore, I moved my treasured accumulation to the basement and at some point MY DAD THREW THEM ALL OUT without so much as a heads up. (It was probably during one of our many I WISH YOU WERE DEAD standoffs but still, it was MY property. And by the way, he also threw out my entire collection of Rainbow Brite dolls, Sprites, Starlite and all!
Dude, I can FEEL THAT YARN HAIR IN MY FINGERS like it was yesterday!
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM – IN THE TRASH. Can you even imagine?? All of my Babysitters Club books – gone. Sweet Secrets, too.
This…is not making me feel any better, lol.
Maybe I don’t want to start collecting stickers again.
Maybe I’ll just stick with collecting kpop biases lol.
No commentsJan 28 2025
Sibling Daydrinking
My sister Amy and I have been staying vigilant with getting together more often over the last year or so and I am honestly loving it. I can’t remember if I ever really talked about it much on here but Amy didn’t come into my life until I was about 30, I think? She is my older sister and our mom was forced to put her up for adoption by our grandma. Anyway, despite having completely different upbringings, we keep discovering more and more uncanny similarities that make Henry actually guffaw (literally, it’s an inspired guffaw!) and Amy’s husband Dick frown in disappointment. Everything from us being brats about the dinners they make us to our refusal to put away our clothes that THEY have laundered for us. It’s just too good.
Anyway, Amy is also one of the catalysts behind my recent beer awakening. She and Dick enjoy going to breweries and yeah, I know I can go and either not drink or get a seltzer or a cider if available, but I wanted to hang with the big dogs, you know? So, every time, I would get a flight and end up saying, “That was OK but I never want to drink it again.” LOL. But now I can not only drink BUT ALSO ENJOY pretty much all types of beers except for stouts and porters! I’m also kind of a snob about it, but this should not come as a surprise to anyone.
We met up at Voodoo Brewing in Houston (PA, not TX!) and I was so stoked because my options have greatly expanded since I last went to a brewery. The girl working did not like me one bit. First of all, Henry and I were THE ONLY PEOPLE THERE so it’s not like it’s super chaotic and she was trying to serve 100 people like some glorified German bar maid. She just stood there and watched us as we looked at the options, never once asking if we needed help, offering suggestions, or I DON’T KNOW POINTING OUT THAT THERE WERE SEPARATE MENUS which I didn’t know and only selected from the seasonal list which meant that I had just 3 from Voodoo and the other 3 from rando’ breweries and then when I was like, “Wait, what are those behind you?” and she monotoned that they were the ones that are always on tap, I asked, “Oh no, is it too late to change my picks?”
She said no, but she said it with an air of exasperation and annoyance. I said, “I’m sorry, did I screw this up?”
“No,” she said with a clipped edge. “This is just my last sheet of paper, that’s all.”
OK? AND? Use a napkin to write down Henry’s?? Also, why was that the last paper for flights when it was only 2:30pm?? That sounds like a Voodoo supply management problem not a me problem.
So far, we have established that I of course love my Belgians (the tripel-ier the better), IPAs (but not all – it takes a lot to WOW me though I do really have a taste for that stringent grapefruit rind essence), and THIS JUST IN, I have a crush on red ales now too.
I don’t like how Henry is leering at my beers.
LOLOLOL I posted this on Instagram too. I was only taking it for UnTapped purposes but this deserved to be enjoyed by all.
My OG BESTIE CAT Marcy hated being pointed at. This just reminded me of that. She would growl and lunge at jutting phalanges and she was paws out / claws out all of the time, in case you were wondering. The only one she never maimed was Chooch and I still don’t know why because I don’t think she actually cared for him.
Amy and Dick are big football people and we are definitely not but we still always have so much to chat about and this is why I love hanging with them. I LOVE TO TALK. Amy and I were in tears at one point when Dick and Henry were comparing notes on us and I thought to myself, in that moment, “THIS is what I needed.” Real connection.
According to my Untapped app, the winners of the day for me were:
- Don’t Leave Me Edith – IPA
- Wynona’s Big Brown Ale – Brown Ale (this was Henry’s and I only had a sip which made me immediately regret not including it in my flight selection)
- Voodoo Love Child – Belgian Tripel
- White Magick of the Sun – Witbier
Next! We walked next door to Helltown Brewing and even though it was less trendy/flashy/artsy, the vibes were immaculate from the start. First off, it was way cozier and packed with friendly people – two of whom were Dick’s niece and her husband! We sat with them and they were wonderful, super down to earth and easy to chat with so I felt very human, like my old self.
Henry and I went to a haunted house last fall and Helltown actually had a little stand set up. I was like LET’S GET A BEER LIKE ADULTS, WE ARE EMPTY NESTERS and he immediately said, “YOU WILL NOT LIKE A SINGLE ONE OF THEIR OFFERINGS, WOMAN OF MINE” and I was like, “OK hold my future beer and let me be the judge of that.”
I got the Oktoberfest only because at that time, I was certain I wouldn’t like anything else (it was a small sampling of what they have – an IPA-heavy lineup). Anyway, we got one can to share and I liked it so much that I ended up drinking most of it.
So, I was pretty excited to come here and try some more! They actually have waaaay more of a selection than I thought.
Dick’s niece recommended the Mischievous Brown Ale to me and it was one of my favorites of the whole day.
I also really liked:
- Willow Hazy IPA
- Belgian Wit
- Red Eye Red Ale (WHO AM I)
LOL so…my whole flight basically.
But then Amy got a second flight for us to share and of that one, we got my favorite of the whole day – the Headless Wylie pumpkin/yam beer. FINALLY, a pumpkin beer that tasted like pumpkins to me! I was so impressed. And I also really liked Idle Hands – IPA. The other two were a lager and blonde / golden ale which were mid but drinkable. I for sure know what I like now though!
I made this face on purpose and Henry was annoyed.
I was hammered. Henry said I had the equivalent of 2 full beers, maybe 2.5 LOL.
I took this picture on purpose because Amy made Dick start talking to that guy down there about some football player and then he ended up being really cool and reminded me of my brother Ryan brother (Henry immediately co-signed when I mentioned this on the way home).
Stil fully daylight and I was practically sliding off my stool.
And then we made not-Ryan take our picture because it’s tradition.
I am so happy that this happened and can’t wait for next month!
(Normal people go out and it’s not some big PRAISE BE, SO GRATEFUL event but I am truly half dead inside because every iota of human contact I get is like, news alert, Erin made a connection with a person and now an ordinary trip to a brewery just became some major OMG U GUYS tale for the blog. I fucking hate myself lol.)
No commentsJan 27 2025
Kollegiate Kpop
I got this text from Chooch the other day and it cracked me up so bad. His dining hall has an app I guess where everyone can request songs and then apparently you can thumbs up or thumbs down the requests (here you can see Chooch thumbs downed the Earth Wind & Fire song “because my friend requested it,” he said in his defense. Isn’t he so much like me??!! I would be Janna’s biggest thumbs downer if we were part of this dining hall experience).
Anyway, I was stoked to see the SVT song in question because that one IS SO GOOD. I kept sending him different performances of it and he refused to watch (not even the one from Glastonbury! Or maybe it was Lolla Berlin I can’t remember).
Then!! He texted me a picture of the laptop of the girl sitting next to him in one of his classes – she has not one but TWO pictures of T.O.P.’s Squid Game character Thanos and I was like TELL HER YOUR MOM LOVES BIGBANG.
“She doesn’t know who that is,” he said. “She only knows him from squid game” but then he said he didn’t even ask her so WHO KNOWS – this could have been my future kid-in-law but sure. Cool.
Other incidents I think I already logged here:
- Someone was writing STREAM SEVENTEEN LOVE FAME MONEY on white boards and he accused me of breaking into the dorm lol
- He had to critique someone’s essay in his English class and it was ABOUT THE GLOBALIZATION OF KPOP and he said his feedback was “you forgot to mention that bts only sings in English now” lol snap. Apparently it was moot though because she only had one source to cite and it turned out to be some high school kids paper so she had to pick a new topic.
Also speaking of “Thanos,” my old T.O.P. Valentine has been selling thanks to his renewed popularity!
That’s all for me, reporting from the tail end of the longest Monday ever.
No commentsJan 26 2025
Chicken chicken
I splurged in December and bought myself this precious coat from Unlogical Poem (one of my favorite online clothing shops if you just know) but because I’m a loser, I have only worn it out of the house once but it was just to Corey’s house for Christmas Eve and I can promise you not a soul there commented on the rustic beauty of this coat’s design.
My hair looked ok today (my face, eh, that’s another story, thanks Saturday afternoon beer fest) so when Henry and I decided to go for a walk* I said, “OK don’t panic but I want to wear my chicken coat and you can take pictures of me.” Henry was not a fan of this plan but I recently made him watch a tutorial on how to get dad’s ok at taking pictures and he followed it to a T!
* (the temperature was deceptive!!! It was so much colder than 36 degrees, I was crying at one point but then feared my tears would freeze to my contacts so I reeled it in
We went to Calvary Cem which is usually lacking foot traffic but of-fucking-course everyone and their mail carrier was out and about. Even bicyclists. So annoying.
You guys though this coat is my everything.
And I think it looks cute with my pink Vans!
“Now take one of me pretending to be cold even though I’m not pretending.” Honestly my hands were pinker than my shoes by the time we got back to the car, it was so bad. And for some reason, for as many times as we come to this particular cemetery, we always end up on the path that takes us the farthest away from the car so the walk back was brutal.
At the time I bought this, it was the only one of the site and then it was immediately marked “sold out.” I know I have seen other pieces of clothing on their site using this fabric but I think this particular coat was OOAK which makes even special-er.
But yeah, if there are two things to note about me it’s that I love having cool coats and immature purses (some purchased from the kids section of Target, no shame in my purse game).
No commentsJan 25 2025
on the edge
Checking in to say that this day was initially headed south on the back of a torpedo straight into the bowels of hell – Henry and I had walked to the library and I was struggling to get one of my books to scan out. Henry made some snide observation about how I “always have problems with that” which is actually sooooo hyperbolic because literally maybe only twice? Three times, tops?
“MMMMmmmm….???” Henry grunted in response, with an implied tone of U SURE BOUT DAT.
You guys. It was the sass for me. I big nope. I always hate white men so much and then Henry had to go and throw his hat in the shit-eating misogynist cishet ring? Ah hell no.
I felt the rage surging, nerves trembling to the beat of some gross 2000s NICKELBACK jock jam that was now, in my mind, relaxing the words coming out of Henry’s mustachioed maw.
I slammed the books down, grabbed my receipt and said I AM DONE. YOU CAN DEAL WITH THIS and left Henry behind to bag up my books as I stormed out of the library.
I walked home a healthy distance in front of him. Then I had to wait on the porch because I didn’t have a key :(
When Man let me in the house, I proceeded to storm past him to the kitchen so I could make my lunch and while in the throes of CHEF HELL, every single thing was setting me off and I was slamming pans and then I couldn’t get my container of vegan cheese to fit in the drawer I always keep it in in the fridge so I THREW IT ON THE FLOOR AND LEFT IT THERE while screaming about how I hate men and how Henry should be happy because as usual HIS KIND are in charge so ITS HIS WORLD and then I saw if I had a knife I would have stabbed him in the library.
All the while he was folding laundry at the dining room table. I finished COOKING MY LUNCH (literally I just heat up a pita in a pan and put vegan cheese and Tofurky deli slices on it so when I say COOKING that is pretty much the extent of that. If you want to picture me braising things, flipping patties of indiscernible origins over a high flame, and having flour on my cheeks, that’s fine too though.
While I was eating my pita, Henry quietly walked into the kitchen and put away the container of vegan cheese I had left to die on the floor hahaha.
Anyway, I’m ok now. Henry apologized. I am still a woman on the edge though. Literally I cry everyday whether the origin of the tears are RAGE or SORROW or sometimes a COMBO MEAL of both with a side of accelerated heart rate.
No commentsJan 24 2025
Things Around My House: Coffin Knick Knacks
I know some people were UP IN ARMS when the craft conglomerate MICHAELS did an early release of Halloween decor last year right before summer and it was OMG in a retro summer palette. But shooooo, I was into it. I love orange and pink as complementary colors, and I loved the 1960s mini-skirt floral print that was used on some of the decor too. LIKE THIS COFFIN SHELF, for instance. I had been bitching about we need to have more knick knack shelves because I am hoarder-adjacent. I love souvenirs and things like that! I can’t help it.
It’s so perfect for my needs and aesthetic. I love death-stuff but also colors. And vintage floral!
Henry was stoked to see that I moved this Pal’s Styrofoam cup from the top of the fridge where it had been living for approx. 3 years to the shelf. I just really wanted a memento from Pal’s OK?? It was a very sentimental part of one of our past road trips and I refused to let Henry throw it out!! Originally, I wanted to turn it into Art somehow but Styrofoam is weird to work with and also, isn’t this Art enough on its own?
Speaking of that hyperlink, this is such a sad glimpse into my life currently but I have putting myself to sleep at night by reading old road trip liveblogs and then dozing off on a pillow of nostalgia. I’m so sad that those days are likely over, at least for the three of us, because this summer coming up will be his last summer home from school since Drexel does Co-Ops. I have been on this kick lately where I daydream about him graduating and eventually having a family and then we all drive off into the sunset together on crazy road trips, destination: random amusement parks.
I don’t know if you can tell, but I am struggling over here lol. I’m not as weepy as I thought I would be but I definitely feel like he took half of my heart with him to Philly. I never really considered myself the type of person who identified solely as a “mom,” but I think it’s more that in addition to being my son he was/is MY BEST FRIEND. I miss hassling Henry together, getting on each others’ nerves, arguing over the last word, having stupid adventures and inside jokes.
It’s stupid (it’s not stupid) but this cup is kind of a symbol of that.
Random lighters! I used to be a HEAVY SMOKER in my late teens right up until I got pregnant at 25. I am so grateful to pregnancy making me flat out averse to cigarettes for obvious reasons. But I still have these two remnants of my past nicotine-clouded life (and two cigarette cases!!!). Also, my second cat was named Nicotina – that was how idiotic of a smoker I was.
Anyway, I bought that first lighter at a smokers (and also bondage lol) den on the South Side called Slackers. And the Robert Smith one was an eBay purchase back when all I did was scour eBay for Cure memorabilia. (Never forget when I threw myself down prostrate on my mom’s kitchen floor because I wanted her to give me like $5000 to purchase a ROBERT SMITH AND LYDIA LUNCH SHARED JOURNAL and I was even prepared to sell my car but it was in MY MOM’S NAME and she said NO.)
The infamous bottle of Bela Lugosi’s grave dirt that I had saved on Etsy because I wanted to purchase it for my friend Alyson who’s LJ name is “gravedirt” and then Henry the Goof saw it and thought it was something I wanted and got it for me for Christmas. I was so confused. IT WAS ON YOUR WISHLIST he said. And I was like YES FOR SOMEONE ELSE. Joke’s on me ‘cuz I just assumed bro never looked at that shit. It still cracks me up when I look at it because THE ONE time Henry tries to “do the right thing” things go awry.
Anyway, I used to keep this on my desk at work for years and it was a great conversation starter.
(And conversation killer.)
Um, this frog…I honestly can’t remember where he’s from?!?! He could have been purchased from some shop of handmade wares while on some grand vacation.
Or…Pier One.
In either case, I’ve had him since high school so he has been a consistent part of my home decor for possibly 30 years. Yikes. An heirloom.
Oh, this one makes me cry for several reasons.
1. I bought this on our last day in Korea last year, from a halmoni who hand embroiders them. That is her name on it too – Hoon Jae. She was so sweet and I am kicking myself for not buying more. I love it so much that I won’t even take it out of the organza bag because I want to keep it clean and protected forever.
2. It used to sit on my home desk and Bambi would always jump up, sniff it out, and start chewing on the bag. I miss her so much that if I could go back in time, I would just let this be hers only. Bambi’s halmoni hanky.
Well, that’s it for this edition of Things Around My House.
Oh shit, P.S.!! That crow that looks ancient was gifted to me this past Christmas by my brother Ryan! He was like, “I dunno, it just seemed like something you would like” and boy howdy, do I ever. I have a big appreciation for crows because we are on the same side when it comes TO GETTING THE HAWK TO FUCK RIGHT OFF.
No commentsJan 22 2025
A Weighted Word Waterfall
….straight from my head to here.
We’re in the middle of a cold nap here in Pittsburgh and my motivation and drive are both definitely frozen along with our pipes. It’s days like these when I am extra grateful to be working from home but I am so lonely and feel on the verge of cabin fever.
I had a therapy sesh yesterday and we were technically supposed to be gathering more information for our next EMDR session which is going to focus on my childhood and growing up as the stepkid in our household, not feeling like I belong, etc. You know, typical shit. But then I started ranting about how I’m 45 and still in a sick cycle with dieting and food phobia and weight obsession and it all can be pinned on ONE PERSON in my life – my fucking grandmother. It’s so much a part of me that sometimes I don’t even realize how much it controls my life, how many times I have canceled lunch plans with friends because my food-fear and obsession with weighing myself is unhinged. I told my therapist that, unless we’re away, I legit weigh myself every morning and that stupid number can and does set the tone for the day. It can be the difference between having a pleasant day with Henry or blaming everything on him (accusing him of sabotaging me, not caring how I feel, not holding me accountable, etc.). I can be a downright monster. I have ruined entire days, road trips, holidays, you name it – all because I’m afraid of just letting myself live my life and eat the things I want to eat and not care about how I look or, god forbid, admit that NO ONE ELSE FUCKING CARES EITHER. LITERALLY NO ONE IS GAPING AT ME WHEN I WALK INTO A ROOM AND EVEN IF THEY WERE, THAT’S ON THEM NOT ME, RIGHT.
Yeah, easier said than done.
You guys, I can vividly recount numerous times, too many to detail individually, where Henry and I (I have tried not to do this anytime Chooch was with us, he already knows I’m psycho) would get as far as being seated in a restaurant, maybe even putting in our drink order, when I suddenly cannot stand being in there for one second longer, I’m panicking over the menu and what fits into my diet, everything is closing in around me, that one person might have glanced at me I’m not sure, and next thing Henry knows, I’m abruptly absconding from the establishment. Except maybe less “absconding” and more “causing a scene in my chaotic haste to get outside.”
Also, I have spent almost my whole existence feeling like the ugliest girl in the world thanks to my grandma, please refer to this post for background and actual handwritten evidence from my vacation journal:
Also, when my therapist asked me if I have specific memories to use during EMDR, I was shouted, “OH BOY DO IT!” Again, I refer you to the above (I did tell my therapist and she made a face which I knew to mean, “Jesus Christ”) and also the times my grandma would make my underarm fat swing while making disappointed clucks.
Oh and also when she had my mom put me on Slim Fast when I was in, wait for it, 6th grade so that I wouldn’t ruin my aunt Susie’s upcoming wedding by being a fugly blimp in a junior bridesmaid dress and boy did I have news for her when I did end up losing weight but still had BAD HAIR AND BRACES.
Boo hoo, Erin. Right? Get over it.
You don’t think I have been trying!? It has nearly ruined my relationship with Henry and sometimes I feel like I have been holding myself back so much in life because of this stupid control my grandma has over me even from the grave.
(Yes, I was sad when my grandma died. No, I did not cry nor did I mourn. I even tried to reject bereavement leave when my manager at the time tried to get me to take time off. I truly didn’t want it.)
Life is so weird. My childhood had way more joy in it than not (mostly thanks to my pappap) but these are some of the bad things that stand out more in my mind sometimes. When people are like, “You’re lucky that you grew up rich”* and I’m like, “Yeah but was I really lucky though?” Lol look at the neuroses I inherited!
*(Literally no one has ever said that except for Chooch, lol.)
Anyway, I’m going to end this here, eat some low-calorie soup and then do Kpop cardio later in an effort to burn it all off because I am still fully stuck in the cycle!
2 commentsJan 20 2025
My Favorite Books that I Read in 2024
Hey-o, I read 157 books in 2024. Goodreads tells me that I gave 14 of those a 5-star rating but looking at that list, I’m not sure how strongly I feel about some of those. I pared them down to 5 that I would confidently recommend to friends and would happily buy a hardback copy for my own collection some day if I ever have room for books ugh.
I just really, sincerely loved this book with my whole heart. Great dialogue, bright characters, a compelling plot. I was tense and also laughing out loud more times than I could keep track of. I would recommend this to either someone who doesn’t read books regularly because it’s a freaking easy read and page-turner, someone in a reading slump, and someone who liked picturing young Bruce Willis as a main character because that is where my mind immediately went from the very start of this book. Blue-collar Bruce Willis trying to save his daughter.
A horror novel that is actually scary because it’s based on real life events in Jim Crowe Florida. Haunting. Brutal. It will rip your heart out. Recommended only to people who can handle painful and heavy narrative. It is a horror novel but the scariest parts are the things that the living do to the living. This book will live in my head forever.
But Jesus, I am so glad I picked this up because the pay-off was huge. I don’t know who I would recommend this to and am honestly not sure if I would have even considered it if I weren’t already into Korean culture. But there is something about Korean novels – IYKYK. If you’re looking for an epic novel that will transport you to someplace violently magical chockful of trigger warnings, then give this one a shot lol.
In a nutshell, this is an epic family drama spanning several generations.
I was completely invested in every generational POV, my favorite being the one set in the late 90s. There’s also a little bit of magical realism in this which caught me off guard. I think I would recommend this to anyone, really. It’s just that solid.
I was still very freshly mourning the death of my cat Drew when I read this. It was irreverent and LOL funny, exactly what I needed to keep me from cannon-balling off a parking garage in Chicago. Such a sad sack of a protagonist and I wanted nothing but the best for him. The writing was fresh and smart – would have made me jealous if I still even slightly considered myself a “writer.” Let me just say that I don’t follow many authors on Instagram but I immediately started following Gene Kwak after I read this. Funny, awkward, painful, and uncomfortable encounters; a VERY WTF swimming pool scene; a mother/son road trip; an underlying theme of identity crisis – this book has it all. Ricky is a character I won’t soon forget. I don’t know who I would specifically recommend this to. You, I guess.
Your turn! Lay your 5 star reads on me.
3 commentsJan 19 2025
My mom brought a bagful of photos over to Corey’s in Christmas Eve. I already had copies of most of them because I took all of the photos from my grandparents’ house when we were cleaning it out and they most have had doubles printed of everything to share between houses. I come from a very photo-happy family.
As such, I was letting Corey and Ryan take whatever they wanted but when I came across this shot of Ryan and me with our grandma on the BELOVED DARKRIDE La Cachot, I snatched it up with a quickness. I have never seen this picture before! And for some reason, we don’t have many pictures from our visits to Kennywood which is wild to me.
This ride definitely shaped my love for dark rides; it was a personal favorite of mine as a child and I still get so stoked when we go to an amusement park that has an authentic, vintage dark ride and not these new-fangled shooting rides which I hate. I want something with black lights, hokey K-Mart-esque Halloween masks, Pretzel cars, and the stench of damp basements and moth balls.
I don’t know if this was a Yinzer thing but my friend Keri always called it Lickashit.
They tore down the building in 1998 – for years I thought it was because that it had caught fire but evidently, the plan was always to tear it down because the building was so old and it was deteriorating, I guess (per the below video) and in the process of tearing it down, there was also a fire. IMO, removing this was the beginning of a slew of bad and questionable decisions made by Kennywood. I guess it doesn’t matter who owns the park, dumb moves are still bound to be made. This is making me feel extremely bitter.
(Apparently, you have to watch this video on YouTube.)
But yeah, that’s all I’ve got for this snowy, bitchy Sunday. Back to hypnosis via Enhypen videos.
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