Mar 292015

I’m making heart-hands over this so hard over here, you guys. Every one of the videos from their Audiotree session was so good, I had to close my eyes and pick which one to post here.

Here is what Henry mumbled about them:

Me: Will you go see them?

Henry: Yeah.

Me: Omg so you like them?

Henry: No.


Earlier today, I felt like I was on the cusp of nervously breaking down, so I went for an aimless walk around Brookline to try and compartmentalize the spasming thoughts in my broken head. I walked past Tourette’s, who was humming a song to himself. Even he was in an OK mood!

My pretend-casual stroll (which had morphed into an angry march one block in) didn’t help. But listening to music is. Thank you, Pillow Talk, for grounding me. Henry thanks you too, because it’s temporarily defused my hissy fits.

  One Response to “Pillow Talk, my favorite way to converse!”

  1. Music is nearly always the answer.

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