Oct 242011


Here are some iPhone photos from Zom-B-Rama. (The rest can be seen in yesterday’s post.

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Someday, I feel that Chooch will have his own set of bloody handprints on the Maul of Fame. Or on a caution tape-cordoned wall.

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When I got pregnant in 2005, I had friends who were all, “Ha-ha, you’re not going to be able to do anything fun once you become a mom!” But pre-Chooch, I never would have done this shit. I guess having a kid with an aversion to age-appropriate television shows and a propensity for horror helps.

  4 Responses to “Additional Zom-B-Rama Photos”

  1. Ya know, part of me keeps wondering how it’s possible for Chooch to be so into zombies..but I wasn’t much older than him when I started my lifelong love of vampires…

    • I don’t know how his zombie thing started, really! He was into vampires first, because I let him watch Lost Boys when he was 2, and then that became the movie that we had to watch 8x a day for nearly a year, not that I’m complaining! But he went from quoting to that movie to droning, “They’re coming to get you, Barbara!”

  2. In that third photo, Chooch has the “I-am-a-zombie-and-I-am-going-to-eat-your-brain” face DOWN!!

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