Jan 162015




I’ve been threatening to have a giveaway for a few months now and today is the damn day. I love giving stuff away! It makes me feel like the poor white trash version of Oprah. Plus, you guys come here and suffer through endless words, in hopes of finding something of value. I fail you a lot with my asinine bulletpoint thoughts, whining, and CAPSLOCK parties. So this one’s for you, fair reader!

(Were you referred here by a friend? This page will tell you all you need to know about this blog! It even has a picture of me, which is like the most important part about a bio, knowing that it’s for an actual human being and not an expired can of split pea soup.)

Here are the details:

One winner.

Three prizes:




Emarosa is one of my favorite bands (especially now that they finally replaced Jonny Craig!). They released an album in September of 2014 called Versus, after being AWOL for three years, and this album was in my top 5 of 2014. I am so adamant about people knowing about this band, that I have gone out and bought a second copy of the CD just to give away to someone. Please know that I will be nagging the winner for their opinion. “DIDYOULISTEN? DIDYOULISTENYET? HOWABOUTNOW? DOYOULIKEIT? WHATSYOURFAVORITESONG!?!?!?” I live for this damn band.

2. A best friend zombie brain necklace from Canadian artist Beat Black!


Made from polymer clay, this is basically the best way to consummate a sick, twisted, unhealthy friendship — you know you have one of those! Just make sure you give the other half to someone who deserves it.

3. A custom Somnambulant (that’s just me, don’t get too excited) caricaturish* portrait on an 8×8 canvas:


Above are some examples of past work of faces. Just tell me what face you want—yourself, your kid or some stranger’s kid, Bobcat Goldthwait, Sarah Palin with horns—-I’m game.

*That’s artist speak for “I’m not a real artist and have no idea what I’m talking about.”


The Boring Details

This contest will stay up until next Wednesday, January 21st, 2015 and I will officially close it down and pick a winner at 9:00pm EST.  Anyone is eligible, even people in jail and…fans of Katy Perry. Please note that because the third prize is something that doesn’t yet exist, I will need at least 2 weeks to get everything shipped out to the winner. So go forth and enter! And please tell your friends to read my blog. AIN’T 2 PROUD 2 BEG.

If you don’t feel like sifting through my heavy-handed blog posts, here are some popular posts (according to my stats, not some imaginary American Blogger contest) you can share:

1. Sunday Lock-Out 

2. Don’t Ask Me About Tofu

3. The Big Angry Blow Me

4. An Old Person’s Perspective of Warped Tour: An Exclusive Interview with Henry

5. How Not to Stalk Strangers in a Cemetery

Here, use this handy form to enter!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  62 Responses to “Free Stuff. Giveaway. Contest. No Cost To You.”

  1. Great prizes! (I never feel like you’ve failed me when I stop by, either!)

  2. TURBO!!! Omg I would love a Turbo painting. It’d make my whole life better.

  3. either my mom or my daughter.

  4. I already got my Golden Girls! If I won I’d probably request a portrait of my best friend for him to hang on his wall. He is appropriately narcissistic and would love it.

  5. I would probably request one of myself, seeing as I am vain.
    Haha.. Nah.. But would love to have one of myself.

  6. I would have you paint David Bowie. I’d love to see how he would look in your style!

  7. liked and shared

  8. I would probably have a picture of me painted, and give it to my husband.

  9. Pee-Wee Herman, of course!

  10. I’d love to have my Weimaraner painted.

  11. Maybe Barack Obama?

  12. Oh, definitely Pee-Wee! Or Stephen King. :o)

  13. I would like to have a the Beatles painted for a someone special

  14. My cat Oskar would look awesome in a painting!

  15. How do we enter? I swear I reread this twice but I don’t haz teh good brainz.

  16. Would probably have one of my daughter’s pics done!

  17. Salvador Dali

  18. I would love to have my cat Callie done!

  19. I’d love to see you paint a portrait of Buffy!

  20. The cast of Walking Dead :)

  21. I would cherish a painting of Carl Sagan.

  22. I’d like my kids painted while there is a semblance of innocence gracing them…

  23. I think it would be neat to see one of myself or my husband :D

  24. that’s amazing! x

  25. I want to see one of myself!

  26. I want see myself with the band 5 Seconds of Summer.

  27. my boyfriend and son

  28. myself, of course! :D

  29. I would love to see my dog -my old best friend, black lab, Dravyn….probably no one else would LOL -but she would look great I assure you :)
    To be more pop culture “ish” I would say The Hound from Game of Thrones :) why not -I think he is great, and maybe with his wee side kick beside him!

  30. My dog or my boyfriend. This band sounds great

  31. My kids

  32. I would love one of myself. So cool.

    Rafflecopter Name – Stephanie La Plante

  33. Me actually. I haven’t ever been a portrait.

  34. Can you do animals? I’d like to see my dog!

  35. My husband, myself, and kids

  36. I would love to

  37. I would like to see myself painted in this style.

  38. My son is who I would have painted.

  39. Oh my! Awesome giveaway!

  40. I would like my brother and i to be in this painting!

  41. I’d love to see my pets painted. Or a series of horror authors…that could be fun.

  42. That zombie brain necklace is pretty rad.

  43. Our boxer, Jack is old, distinguished and dying of cancer. He would make an amazing painting!

  44. Frida Kahlo! But I prefer the necklace for me and my bff since both of us are goths and it would be a true friendship bond! :D

  45. Id probably pick my quicker parrot.

  46. patrick stewart and nathan fillion

  47. I would like to have my dogs painted :)

  48. I would like to have Norman Reedus painted to give to my daughter.

  49. Ooh,tough choice! Maybe Burt Reynolds.I keep having weird dreams about his mustache…*shrug*

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