Sep 282011


FRANCIS! in the lefthand corner.

  6 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Pets Edition, plus random birds”

  1. I was digging the bird pic, thinking to myself “that would look cool in my living room…” and then BAM! Kitty face! I’m in love. It makes me want to go on a kitty rescue mission to the local SPCA. Too bad I blow up like a person allergic to peanuts whenever I cross the path of a fuzzy feline. Dag nab it.

  2. What amazing pictures! I love the one of the birds.

  3. Great pictures =) I kind of really like the birds and of course Don, and I’m surprised Marcy let you put that camera so close to her without moving (to attack).

  4. I hope the implication I detect from that last photo, based on the post title, is correct. lol ;-)

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