Jul 30 2009
I interrupted my birthday to post a shitload of backlogged tweets
Hi, these are still posted in reverse order. Read from the bottomzzzz.
- Fave food 4 dinner (grilled cheese – I’m 10), Vanilla Pastry cupcakes 4 dessert; now forcing @saucalisha to watch Degrassi. GOOD BDAY.
- http://twitpic.com/c6n00 – MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT FROM HENRY! This is the 1st gift he’s got me in YEARS & its a good one.
- Alisha’s new neighbor has a pool. Let the ingratiating begin.
- Who needs cake when Alisha’s making birthday spaghetti??
- I’ll tell you what makes my heart swell: When Chooch cries “Where’s my zombie Ben Franklin??!!” before leaving the house.
- How I spent my birthday so far: watching my son fall on a sidewalk twice & once down a flight of steps, all before noon.
- Truck from Michigan turned right in front of a handicapped lady crossing the street. Probably one of @daboogmang & @bed_in_revolt‘s friends!
- Judging by the kitchen sink, Henry had a dinner party last night while I was gone. Birthday morning dish-washing, all my dreams come true!
- @NewlinsGhost mr smalls. I swear, looked just like her! Also saw a cross between Emma Nelson & Huckleberry Finn.
- Oh good, I get to enjoy Four Year Strong without ex-bff making me miss 3/4 of their set!
- Apparently SOMEONE doesn’t like my Deeee-Lite dancing. Sometime you just can’t cork the groove.
- What the fuck, Ellie Nash is at this show!???
- Wrote a song called “Get fucked”. The lyrics are “Get fucked” x258, overtop melodic clapping. That will change when I get my tambourine.
- If I was in a band, I wouldn’t make everyone clap during songs. Instead I’d be all “Raise it! Raise the muthafuckin’ roof, whore!”
- Gravemaker is my new favorite band. That’s what up right now over here in P-Burgh. Swellers were sort of boring.
- TESTOSTERONE!!! Feeling murderous! This show is so tight already!
- I want to make friends with the green-panted dude in line in front of us but alisha said NO.
- Henry was made for throwing wrenches in my plans.
- Sadly, I just found an awesome way to break into this place now that she’s moving. FOILED AGAIN.
- Helping Alisha clean out her old apartment. My reward is going to the Set Your Goals show tonight!! TEENAGE SCREAMING!
- Shit that was almost the first time I made it thru the self-checkout line without a manager needing to rescue me.
- In discussing our son, I realized that he doesn’t really have any of Henry’s traits. “Which is why he’s an asshole,” Henry pointed out.
- “Those are two words that do NOT come to mind when I think of you,” Henry said when I referred to myself as endearing & precious. :(:(:(
- http://twitpic.com/bynqk – Yay to the double yay.
- Not even when I ROLL OFF THE SEAT when he turns a corner.
- Henry just said “Make sure none of your scene friends see you.” What? Riding in an Everfresh van isn’t embarrassing AT ALL.
- & ritzy cupcakes. & a golden unicorn horn implant. & a hobo for embalming practice. & a lightning bolt to manipulate as a weapon.
- All I want for my birthday is a new pair of Dravens so I can retire my old pair to the smelly shoe mausoleum. THATS ALL I WANT, HENRY.
- Curtains look so easy to make. Maybe that’s the field I was born to get into. My curtains will be exotic, made from Hawaiian flesh.
- I bet I would make an awesome captain of a ship.
- I wish the “It’s for CHARITY!” guilt trip worked on Henry EVERYDAY.
- One of my Appledale photos is the item of the day over at the EtsyDarkSide Myspace, yay! http://bit.ly/s1pxs via @addthis
- My son just fashioned a gun from his blocks and said “I shoot you like on Degrassi.” Fantastic!
- secretly bang gym teacher in woods, deepthroat bananasplit @ soda shop, wear kneesocks & celibacy ring to sockhop. #todaysagendaifitwere1957
- I’ve been sitting with a giant pot on my head for so long now that it feels like a natural extension of myself.
- Hey. If you want to see something ha-ha-hilarious, come to my house. I think I’m about to weedwack.
- I just washed the dishes while Henry is sleeping on the couch. There MIGHT be something wrong with this picture.
- Come hither, pillow-illow-illow. #blogathon
- Alisha was crying when Jimmy got capped. And even though I’ve seen it before I yelled “FUUUUUCK, right?” #degrassi #blogathon
- http://twitpic.com/bopya – Lucky sonofabitch
- 3 hours & 45 minutes left. All I want to do is get thru this & cuddle w/ Gordon Ramsey. Or the drug dealer next door. Who cares. #blogathon
- Why is Henry fucking with my Blogathon flow!?
- there are 5 mo’fuckers in my crib and not a damn one is helping me. fuck that shit. all i need is my shiraz.
- So Chooch just came home from a day spent with his cousins and Blake just pulled a fingernail out of his hair WTF HAS MY SON BEEN DOING.
- Had to turn around so no one would make me laugh while I’m huffing from this oxygen can thing.
- Luckily, Henry is here to remind me that what I’m doing isn’t important at all. Thanks Henry! YOU ARE MY ROCK, BOO. #blogathon
- i just tried to inhale flavored air from a can and then almost fell over.
- dear alisha, i dont care about the history of ur typing classes, cant you see i’m trying to blog here?????
- i just raised the roof to my own humming, that’s how deep in it I am.
- Hay look @ the dumb! #5 The Exterminator: My friend Alisha moved here seven years ago from A.. http://bit.ly/NUHVD
- My cat Marcy just gave me A Look, which is a good indication of how things are faring over here. #blogathon
- Blogathon starts in 30 minutes! Support me and @twloha by visiting http://ohhonestlyerin.com! Comment throughout the day! Pledge if you can!
- Somebody bring me a strip club.
- QOTD from Henry: Erin, you’re such an asshole. Grow the fuck up. (Wah.)
- Sitting on bleachers, Degrassi-style. What’s up now, eh? Sore-y you can’t be straddling this wood plank with me.
- Met up with an old high school friend at a carnival & he won Chooch a stuffed fish. A+!
- I’m too wound up for my own good. Henry just yelled at me to stop moving so much/thrashing in the backseat.
- Henry and Alisha are apparently stalking somone, but I’m too busy listening to A Skylit Drive to care.
- And all I could think was “This fuck’s gonna fillet me & the last song I listen to before I die is going to be FUCKING DAUGHTRY. Why?!”
- Huh. Being stalked in a cemetery isn’t quite as fabulous as I presumed it would be.
- Loves the stench of a cemetery on a humid day, like an aromatic bouquet of moss, sod, and death.
- Fuck you, USPS, for stressing me out on Blogathon Eve.
- Chooch wants me to play cars & then admonishes me the whole time for doing it wrong. I was like that once too. Ok fine I still am!!
- You’re right, Hilary Duff: I’m going to start saying “That’s so Henry” in lieu of “that’s so gay.”
- Jay Hogart could give me gonorrhea any day & I’d be alright with it. In fact, I might even beg for it. Infect me, Jay Hogart from Degrassi.
- Chooch peed in the toilet, standing up, & made less of a mess than Henry ever has.
- I’m making “bang bang, bitch” my tagline.
- Chooch just asked me what “last year” means and I actually drooled a bit as I struggled to explain it.
- Henry won’t add any of his old friends on Facebook, presumably because I’ll embarrass him. Smart guy.
- Wish my family knew how cool/weird my kid is.
- I just worked out for half an hour & don’t remember any of it.
- OH SHIT it’s the episode where Jimmy gets capped! #degrassiownsmylife
- And I realize I just set myself up for the “That’s why she likes you, b/c she hasn’t met you!” remarks. Shut up in advance, @saucalisha!
- I’ll never cease to be amazed @ the kindness extended from ppl who have yet to meet me in person. Today, I feel loved. Thank you @alysonc3!
- I was looking at one of the many things I’ve done to make fun of my boyfriend & completely peed my pants from laughing. FUCK.
- Sold a painting to someone at Dischord Records. Pretending it was Ian MacKaye using an alias.
2 Comments so far
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Sounds like you had a great birthday. I’ll give you your present the next time that I see you!!! =D
It was pretty sweet! AW you have a present for me?? <3