Jul 252009

Here is a little known fact about me: I am very particular and territorial when it comes to things. Like, all things. Here is a story about that.

Back when Henry moved in with me, I think this was 2002 or some other ridiculously depressing long time ago, he decided to come home one day with a new cordless phone.

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After he took it out of the bag and ran his hand along the box while going through the exhaustive list its merits, I very calmly (read: screaming with a blown top and smoking ears) asked him to return it.

“Why?” he asked dumbly, which is how he asks all of his questions.

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“I’m sure this phone is a real diamond in the technological rough, but I was not consulted before this purchase, therefore I must calmly and maturely ask you to remove it from my house.”

Of course, Henry threw one of his tantrums and chucked a catalog at my face, demanding that I pick out one myself.

So I did.

And it was pink.

And it had “princess” in its model name.

And it was made by Disney.

And it practically incinerated the shit out of the box it came in, what with all the  scintillating it was made to do.

And it came programmed with a variety of classic Disney songs to use as ring tones.

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I hated the shit out of it, but the fact that I was able to capture images like this one made it all worthwhile.

I win.disneyphone

Jul 252009

Sometimes I consider saying “again” like I’m British.

Like Robert Smith in “The Forest.” Again and again and again and again and….? Again! You got it, good for you.

Anyway, Janna arrived a little while ago and immediately became Alisha’s little sycophant and I’m like, “Um bitch, are you for realz?

You should be catering to the girl chained to the computer right now, not MEAN ALISHA!!” Like, Alisha will say something totally contrary, as she’s wont to do, and Janna will be all, “OMG I THOUGHT THE SAME THING. I TOTALLY THOUGHT ERIN SAID ‘summer’ NOT ‘supper’!!! HERE PLZ TAKE ONE OF MY KIDNEYS I LOVE YOU LET’S DRINK EACH OTHERS BLOOD!”

And then they were making me jealous, watching Degrassi without me, when suddenly (SUDDENLY!) Alisha’s new landlord, whom I crushed on briefly until I realized he was gay-to-the-gay,  called to tell her that her keys are ready, so Janna offered to be her jitney and away they went, two whole miles away to Beechview. In their absence, I seriously considered making my own Lake Sammamish in my backyard, which will be the location of Janna’s future murder. And then I will secretly call sandwiches “sammamishes” and giggle psychotically every time I bite into my cheese on whole wheat. And only you guys will know. And it will be our little esoteric sandwich club. And if anyone goes to the media, they’ll be the next vacationers to Erin’s Lake Sammamish.


With them gone, it is very quiet here. I mean, aside from the fact that Oceana is roaring from my speakers.

If there was a way to embrace silence, I would have succeeded by now. I’d have taken that hug and gone all the way with silence. I’d be pregnant with little ear plugs right now, that’s how hard and unprotected I’d have banged silence.

While they were gone, I fed Alisha’s dog french fries, which made my cat Don act like he was jealous and I was all, “Hello Don, the last time you ate people food was never.

” And then I shoved the coffee table out of the way and jump-roped.

My jump rope’s name is Jonny. I named him after Jonny Craig from Emarosa, which I’m sure would delight him if he knew.

And these are some of the things I do when I’m alone: plot murders and jump rope. Sometimes simultaneously.

Jul 252009

vacation3vacation4vacation5vacation6OK, so this was Alisha’s next pick, specifically because she wants everyone to know that I was obsessed with some guy eating a sandwich, which I have video of too, but not the capability to upload OH NOES FOR YOU. I still don’t know why she wanted all of these pages for something that was only like, five sentences. (I originally said 3 and then went back and counted because I am not a good guesser, apparently.)

Anyway, this was my trip to Australia to see the Cure, and for some reason, it took three people to send me off and I annoyed the shit out of them the whole time, because this was pre-9/11, when people were actually allowed to be in the boarding areas. Also, when I wrote *swoon* up in there, that was completely insincere because I’m pretty sure Jeff and I did not get along the entire time he was at the airport with me.

I just finally got my food. It was a vegetable wrap. It was delicious. IF THIS WAS OPPOSITE DAY, WHUT WHUT.

Jul 252009

I was just sitting on the porch and some old dude drove past me in a black Smart Car. And when I say “old,” I mean that he looks like he escaped from a nursing home. I mean that he is the precise image I get in my head when I try to picture Death.

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The only thing missing was the hood.

And as he drove past, I began to wonder, “Is this what Death drives while en route to claim the next person on his You Is Now Deceased list?

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Is his scyth in the trunk? Does a scyth even fit in a Smart Car?

I shuddered a little. Perhaps because it’s about to rain.

But now I kind of want to find a Smart Car and try to jam a scyth in the trunk.

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While Henry is bound and gagged in a tight ball like Jeffrey Dahmer’s sex toy.

And now I’m imagining Death skipping Henry – still bound and gagged – like a stone and playing hopscotch.

And now I’m imagining that this is only post #17. OH WAIT, THAT’S REAL. FUCK ME.

Where is my fucking food? Lucky Charms and sweet potato chips are not enough to keep my fingers tapping.

Jul 252009

This one is for my friend Lauren, who asked me this via Facebook.

People think I’m lying, but I AM NOT: I am not upset about turning thirty next week. People think it’s esteem-crushing to say I’m OLD.

But it doesn’t bother me, because I know that I’m only as old as I feel, and let me tell you people something: to be the mother of one Chooch J. Robbins, one must have a certain internal youth. It’s a good thing he has both parents, because Henry does not have that. In fact, I’m convinced that Henry has a gnarled little troll living inside him.

I do not feel old.

I can’t imagine that just because I will be 30, I’ll stop going to shows.

That is seriously, aside from my son, the most important thing in my life. I actually feel like it fuels my well-being. I go to more shows now than I did when I was a teenager, or even in my early twenties. And really, I don’t even feel old THEN, in a room full of sweaty, bouncing, moshing kids.

Most of my twenties were very dark. I feel that the older I get, the more self-aware I become. Because of this, it gets a little easier to understand my actions and why I make the decisions I do.

I spent so much of my twenties not DOING anything because I was scared. Part of the reason I left LiveJournal was because I wanted to put myself out there more. Part of the reason I started painting again was because I hadn’t given myself the chance to express myself in the ways I needed and it was time to break that shackle off.

The older I get, the more I’m able to extract myself from my family, and they have always been the #1 problem in my life.

The older I get, the more I’m able to call an asshole an asshole and remove those weeds permanently from my life.

The older I get, the less self-conscious I become.

I really just want the last decade, well – most of it, to fall away into the past. And that is why I’m excited to be turning 30. Plus, I get to have cupcakes from Vanilla Pastry Studio, holla!!

And I doubt that I will feel old any time soon, so nyah.


Jul 252009

I recently reconnected with Charlie, an old friend from high school. He mentioned that he and his girlfriend were going to be at the Finleyville Carnival last night, and I decided it would be a fun way to hang out with him for a bit since we were going to be in the area anyway stalking someone for Alisha. I sat in the backseat with Chooch and while Henry and Alisha putzed around with directions, I completely lost myself to violent/crazy/epileptic car dancing to A Skylit Drive. Of course, this sent Chooch into fits of glee, but Henry and Alisha were very tight-lipped, staring out the window.

By the time the stalking mission was complete and we had pulled up to the carnival, I had moved on to the Devil Wears Prada and instantly bonded with a small group of scene boys standing on the side of the road. We celebrated each other’s existence with a fist pump and that only agitated my hyper state so I started screaming and kicking the back of Henry’s seat.


Alisha was not happy to be there, from the very beginning.

lmost immediately, Henry ran into his ONLY friend, Randy. I haven’t seen Randy since Henry’s 40th birthday party, which was 15 years ago. A joke. It was 4 years ago. At that party, I showed Randy the Christmas present I had bestowed to Henry that year: a male seeks male personal ad. And then I showed him the responses Henry had received. Randy did not think this was funny. That is because Randy does not understand LOVE.


Here, Chooch rides a blue thing with Randy’s niece, who kept turning around the entire time the ride was in motion, causing the older woman who was manning the ride to shout, “DON’T TURN AROUND” and she had very dark, brittle-looking teeth, so I kept mocking her by repeating her cries of peril and pretending to catch my teeth. Then I couldn’t stop laughing and evidently it was some new laugh that I’ve never done before, probably because I never had to pretend to be catching my backwoods teeth before, and Alisha had to literally walk far away from me.


They are both thinking the same thing: “God, Erin is such a fucking dream to be around. How the fuck did we ever get so lucky? Let’s go pray the rosary to show how thankful we are.”


I didn’t get to ride ANYTHING because Papa H wouldn’t buy me any tickets.

We met up with Charlie and that was super cool! I don’t ever hang out with people from high school, aside from Janna, and Lisa when she’s in town, so Charlie should realize how LUCKY he is. And his girlfriend was really awesome and easy to talk to so I hope we can all get drunk and act like asshole rejects soon.


Alisha was going to buy food but then Charlie intercepted and told her to give his girlfriend, who was next in line for funnel cakes, money and she’d grab a funnel cake for Alisha too. They are best friends now because of this. Alisha has been trying to stuff funnel cake in her mouth for fucking months now.


There was fireworks too, ya’ll!

I asked Alisha later what her favorite moment of the night was and she said, “Seeing how awkward you are around people you haven’t seen in a long time.” Awesome!

Side note: Finleyville has a lot of scene kids. I felt very cozy there.

Jul 252009

So Alisha would feel like she’s contributing, I dumped a stack of old vacation journals in her lap and gave her the amazing privilege of picking excerpts for me to share with the Internet.

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It took all of five minutes for her to very sinsiterly say, “Oh, I choose THIS ONE.”

She likes it because I write “sike,” “dag,” “duh” and reference my walkman all in two pages. I WAS SIXTEEN. I also do not have that fucking AWESOMELY ARTISTIC and FEMININE handwriting anymore. But I still have the same supremely accurate page-numbering skillz0rz.

Also, Sharon = my crazy aunt.



In other news, Henry and Chooch are out “galavanting” for the day (I probably thought I was so cool for using that word, too, btw).

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I don’t know what they’re doing or where they’re at, but I do know that if I sat here in the same room as Chooch any longer, getting hit with toys while my fingertips are busy bleeding onto the keyboard for CHARITY, I’d probably be back to a childless woman by say, 5pm. Once they come back, I can start fulfilling everyone’s Henry-centric photographical wishes.

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P.S. Haha, “rilly.”

Jul 252009

Alisha is spending all of Blogathon with me, which means she brought her pug, Bonzi, over for the festivities.

I have four cats. My only male cat, Don, is actually semi-near Bonzi. He doesn’t look scared, he’s just kind of checking him out.

But Marcy. Oh, Marcy. Do you know Marcy? She is the Queen of Darkness. She once did this to my good friend Shawn:


Marcy is not pleased that there is Canine in her domain. And by not pleased, I mean that she is walking around with an arched back and a fur-hawk, hissing and looking generally murderous.

I’m really worried that those hands will be Bonzi’s face. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that, and instead, she will realize that Bonzi is here to be her dog-slave, at which point she will mount him and they will gallop off into a dreamscape of bowls of Friskies and decapitated Christian heads hanging from strings like glorious Chinese lanterns. I just hope that one of those heads is not  mine.

Oh wait, I’m not Christian.


Marcy won Dark Hottie of the Month one time over at the goth chatroom I used to frequent back in the day (when I was young, but I’m still a kid). She used to write on LiveJournal, too.  I love that bitch.

Jul 252009

Last Sunday, we went to Rossi’s Pop-Up Market (and Alisha wants everyone to know that the essay I wrote about it for my creative non-fiction class was no exaggeration, thank you). Now, the last few times I hit up any flea market, I’ve struck out and spent most of the day pouting about it. Not even any Christopher Pike books?


But this time, I made out. It’s a good thing I have very low standards.

First, I got a Virgin Mary bracelet which I probably paid about $3 too much for and realized that I have one almost identical to it at home, but whatever. I used Henry’s money.

THEN. Then I found this piece of hot ass shit:


WHAT? They just don’t make picture frames like that anymore.

After I scrounged fifty cents out of my pocket, it was mine. ALL MINE. I grabbed that sonofabitch so fast and held it close to my face. To the lady behind the table, I said, “And I’m totally keeping these pictures in it, too!”

Then a piece fell off of it.


I have a hat like that! I should wear it today in honor of what I’m doing. Wait – what am I doing again? Oh yeah, sitting and typing.


I want to look like that when I’m on the phone!@!

It’s hanging above my microwave right now, you guys! Can you stand it!!


And then some old hag wanted FOUR DOLLARS for this but Henry was like, “Tell her you only have $2” and I have to say that I felt guilty lying to someone’s great-grandmother, but she was like, “FINE TAKE IT” and then went back to chugging her Metamucil. (Alisha tried telling me that was spelled wrong, but I emerged victorious.)

It’s hung up real nice above my commode, a nice companion for my Last Supper (the epitome of religious eye sores) and this other Mary thing I have:


Then Chooch pissed his pants and we had to leave.

Jul 252009

I raise the roof. A lot. It’s kind of my thing. Or my THANG, if we’re keepin’ it real.

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Just a moment ago, I raised the roof to my own celebratory humming and then I followed it immediately with another roof-raise, brownie-ball-on-a-stick edition.

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So I decided to have a contest to see who can come close to guessing the exact amount of times I’ll raise the roof by the time Blogathon ends. Alisha is keeping tally on a piece of cardboard. I tried to give her paper, but she insisted on desecrating a good, clean, pure slat of cardboard. Poor guy.


(Alisha’s midsection not included, sorry.)

Oh goodie, look what you can win! The perfect complement to that collection of weird-toothed monsters you’ve been adorning your home crematory with since you were 12! It’s 5.5″ x 5.5″.

OK, go. I’ll link back to this periodically to give everyone an opportunity to guess.

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OMG ALISHA SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 252009


My nice quiet morning has been raped by the return of Henry and Chooch, who were out doing laundry and picking up Alisha. I’ve already yelled at Chooch like twenty thousand times and now the TV is on and I’m trying not to type what I hear and Alisha just threatened to put on the Spongebob marathon (when ISNT IT A MARATHON) because she knows I’ll scream.

However, she at least came bearing the motherlode of Blogathon sustenance!

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  • WINE
  • sweet potato chips!
  • brownie turds on sticks!
  • Chocolate!
  • airplane vodka!
  • a stress ball!
  • Flavored oxygen shit!
  • walnuts!
  • and tea which is quietly chammomile and I’m laughing because there is NOTHING QUIET ABOUT THIS DAY.
Jul 252009

Some people asked me questions duringthe week, to give me fodder for today. The first one I will answer is from my Twitter friend, Darren, who asks, “Why don’t you write for a newspaper or a magazine? You are like, the best writer with whom God ever graced this humble Earth and your writing could probably cure cancer and AIDS and the clap.” (That last part was added by me. See what I did there? I was being a WRITER, ya’ll.)

Dear Darren,

I do write for any sort of publication for one reason: I do not wish to be a writer by profession. I’m afraid that it will take the joy out of it for me, and this something that I realized when I was at Pitt (for English writing) and seriously feeling suicidal every time I had a paper to write in my creative non-fiction class. Once I started writing it, I was fine and I did very well in the class (I got As on everything but wasn’t really proud of a single thing I turned in). However, the pressure got to me so bad that there was an occasion where I bought a pack of cigarettes and sat in a dark parking lot, chain-smoking and silently begging to be kidnapped/killed during a car-jacking.

If I wrote for a paper, and knowing myself better than anyone, I don’t imagine that insane pressure would ever wane with time. And I feel I would be censored to a degree, and I don’t want to write in any style other than the one I write in now. You know: vulgar and immature.

So, I stick to writing in a blog and creating little stories to pair up with my paintings. And I’m still considering putting together a compilation book of sorts, because that’s something that would be on my own terms.

Aside from that, my dream career is to run my own record label. And when that doesn’t work out, fun house operator.

And that, Darren, is my answer! Hooray.


Jul 252009

My friend Alisha moved here seven years ago from Arkansas.

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And in those seven years she had not once visited Pittsburgh’s own little amusement park, Kennywood.


(Blogathon makes me cap-happy.)

For the most part, she seemed to enjoy herself. She took a nice paddleboat cruise with a powder blue parasol propped above her head. She hiked up her britches and did the jitterbug in the dancehall. She slaughtered a pig behind a dumpster for the luau.

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Yes, Alisha seemed to be having quite the time at Kennywood Park.

Until I suggested we go on the Exterminator.

“What’s it like? Is it spinny?” she asked, only  marginally suspicious at that point.

“NO IT’S LIKE THE WILD MOUSE, BUT INSIDE!” I screamed, because that’s how I talk at Kennywood. In screams.

Blake concurred.  “Yeah, it’s just like this thing in a building and it does stuff.”

So we got in line. I knew she was anxious, because as Blake had said, the ride is indoors and you can’t see any of what it does. Alisha tried to distract herself by making jokes of the warning signs, but I exchanged knowing glances with Blake over her shoulder.

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Except that Blake wasn’t paying attention so my knowing glances wafted away into the ether.

We boarded our car and of course I was super giddy and kept laughing deviously, knowing that Alisha was probably going to have a problem at the end of the ride. For the most part, it’s just a mini coaster ride, whipping you around corners and up and down small dips. But toward the end, the car unlocks and begins to spin real fast. I was laughing so hard all the way up until that part, and then I started choking from laughing so hard because Alisha was flipping her shit and that’s what I was put on Earth for – to torture my friends.

After we got off the ride, Blake goes, “Erin, you were laughing so hard and then all of a sudden you just stopped. I thought you died or something!”

“No, I was just trying not to pee!” I lied.

Because I really did pee. Just a little.


This picture is not from the Exterminator, and has nothing to do with the post, but Alisha looks like a Dexter and I wanted to share that with the world.

Jul 252009

Oh my god this post is devoted to JAY HOGART from DEGRASSI: THE NEXT GENERATION OMG, wait let me stop and fan myself and by fan myself I DO MEAN FAN MYSELF.


I’m screaming, can you hear me?? I’m all “OMFG JAY HOGART! You can get me shot by a psycho bullied student anyday! Put your gonorrhea’d dickie in my mouth and infect my throat, I’ll only beg for more, Jay Hogart!”


Holy shit look at him, in all of his blue-collared glory. AND LOOK AT THE MOUNTY! OH, CANADA! You know, when I met Henry, he used to wear blue coveralls just like that. ONLY HE DIDN’T LOOK AS HOT.


Fuuuuuck,  my loins. They burn.

I wonder how hard it would be to meet him. Oh my God I just looked at imdb.com and I am only FIVE YEARS older than him. This is even more realistic than I ever imagined. I’m coming for you, Jay Hogart. Take me to the ravine.





A child whose first word will hopefully be ABOOT.

Who’s your Degrassi crush? OK fine, who’s your celebrity crush IN GENERAL? And don’t give me that Edward Cullen shit.

Someone find me a desktop theme for this fine slice of Canadian ass. ARRRRG I just found his MySpace, it’s on.

Jul 252009

Every time I do Blogathon, I try to pick a small charity that might get overlooked and overshadowed by the bigger ones. But never has one been so close to my heart as To Write Love On Her Arms.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had bouts of depression, mania, suicide dreams. the urge to hurt myself or break things. It got really bad when I was in high school and I knew something wasn’t right, that living like that couldn’t have been normal, and the school’s social worker knew that something wasn’t right, but it was something that my family just didn’t want to hear. Still, my mom abided by the school’s wishes and got me into therapy, though she held true to her theory that this was all “because of a boy.”

But it wasn’t because of a boy and it was the first time things started making sense to me. Depression, bi-polar, any mental illness, wasn’t something that was being talked about that much and it wasn’t like I could call up a friend and be like, “Hay girlfriend, how ’bout that chemical imbalance, oh hahaha.” I did a lot of suffering in silence pre-therapy. If I tried to talk to my family about it, I was laughed at. Accused of trying to get attention. Well, um, yeah. I kind of was. Attention to the fact that I needed help.

But then my mom pulled me from it. And I went back to being unmedicated and it didn’t take long at all for the heaviness to come back over my heart and the noise to refill my head. For years and years and years, when people would ask me, “Why did you drop out of school?” I would say I didn’t know. But I do know. It was that. It was something I couldn’t control and it was my own way of running from it. And my family still laughs at me when I try to talk about how I feel. Still.

These days, kids talk about it. And if their family is as close-minded as mine, they have other people to go to. It’s not taboo anymore. And with organizations like To Write Love on Her Arms, kids are starting to realize that there is help, and hope, available to them. And TWLOHA is very tightly affiliated with music and Warped Tour and you see bands wearing the shirts and I think that makes it even better because it gives it less of a clinical help-line feel and more of a haven for kids to know that it’s OK, that they WILL BE OK.

I wish To Write Love on Her Arms was around when I was in high school.
