Sep 022014
  • Today I was thinking about how I haven’t been able to read a book, or even a MAGAZINE, in months because my head feels so fuzzy. And then that made me do a search on flotation therapy, which I have been casually considering trying for a few years now because…help. I feel like Spencer Chamberlain from Underoath did this before writing an album? But maybe I’m just thinking that because he has chamber in his last name.
  • We went to a potluck last Saturday at our friends Tim and Patty’s house. Henry made a lemon chess pie (god, yes) and also a mac n cheese that had expensive cheese, porcini mushrooms, and pumpkin ale in it. I wanted him to substitute the porcini mushrooms with wood ear mushrooms, as an homage to Patty’s birthday dinner last winter at Hokkaido. God, that was a fun dinner! And the potluck on Saturday was fun too! We all gorged ourselves like it was goddamn Thanksgiving, and lived to regret nothing. (Except maybe bringing Chooch, who acted like a brat.)
  • Here’s a really original bullet point: where the hell did this summer go? Just once I would like to see winter breeze past us in the same speedy fashion. Fuck you, winter.
  • Henry and I engaged in one of my favorite activities late Sunday night: watching horror porn and talking about old stuff. He told me about this one time when his ex-wife spit in his face and now I’m obsessed with it and have made him repeat the story at least 6 times since then. Sunday night was really nice. I want more. HEAR THAT, HENRY?
  • I had some quiet time on Saturday and I spent it re-watching Twin Peaks and painting some of the characters. I’m really excited about this series of paintings! Twin Peaks was so great. I’ll post more about that later.
  • Today, I made the last payment on our Riot Fest tickets! Ahhhhh! One more week! Every time I think about it, I get so emotional that I start to cry and Henry is just like, “Please kill me.”
  • Henry and I have been heavily embroiled in a “To Pie Party or Not to Pie Party” debate. I think we’re, sadly, leaning toward “not to pie party.” Last year’s piestivies took so much out of me.
    • I have a theme though, in case I change my mind at the last minute.
  • The day I learned that the game I played in elementary school gym class was actually called “Bombardment” and not “Bob Barker,” my whole world changed. It was almost as mind-blowing when I learned to read and realized that it was “grilled cheese” and not “girl cheese.” How stupid I felt about yelling at all those boys eating sandwiches I thought were for GIRLS ONLY. :(
    • The “Bombardment” awakening was honestly only a few years ago. I’m not embarrassed to tell you guys that.
  • The other night, I told Chooch that I was pregnant and he got so excited. HAHA. I love doing that to him. But then he was like, “I knew you weren’t really pregnant because you’re way too skinny.” YOU GUYS. No one has ever, in my entire life, used the words “way too skinny” to describe me. CHOOCH, I FUCKING LOVE YOU. Even if I did have another baby, you would still be my favorite!


  • Yesterday was one of those days when I didn’t know what the fuck I wanted. I thought that I wanted ice cream. But then we got to the ice cream place, I decided I didn’t see anything there that I wanted and Henry was like, “$#!&^@#$!” so Chooch got a hot dog and then, without saying a word, Henry drove to another ice cream place, where Chooch ordered a sundae and I decided that there still wasn’t anything that I wanted and that I felt so RUSHED to decide. Henry looked around exaggeratedly and said, “Who’s rushing there? There isn’t anybody else here!!” So we sat down at a table and watched Chooch eat his sundae and then I decided that maybe I wanted something but I wasn’t sure what, so I sent Henry back to the window to ask the ice cream lady a million questions on my behalf before finally settling on a strawberry shortcake which was pretty good but kind of not what I wanted at all! AND THEN I GOT SICK. Probably I just shouldn’t have ordered anything, if we’re being real with each other, because I was in a very Sybil-esque mood and nothing was going to make me happy.
    • While eating a sundae I didn’t want, I was watching people at the ice cream place. “I love how that lady is juggling a baby, an ice cream cone AND trying to get money out of her purse at the same time, yet her dad is over there barking at her to get more napkins. Get it yourself, motherfucker. Am I right?”Henry frowned and sadly said, “Yeah except…that’s what you guys do to me.”


  • I got to see my old high school friend Stacey last week! She commissioned a painting from me for her baby’s nursery so when I brought it to her house, I got to see 3 of her 4 kids and it was wildly entertaining! (No sarcasm, seriously.) It made me kind of regret stopping at just one but now as I sit here typing this, my “One” is upstairs having a meltdown so those regrets are gone.
  • Emarosa released a stream of their entire album yesterday and obviously I am smitten. I wish I knew how to say in English what they mean to me, instead of just hugging myself and making heart-eyes at everything. Because…that doesn’t translate well over the Internet. It’s interesting how some bands just hit that emotional sweet spot, and Emarosa is definitely one of those bands for me. We gots history, y’all. And it’s ironic to me that this has been the Summer of Emarosa, when I needed them the most. They sound-tracked yet another chapter to our story. You know, the one where the maids always win and the Queen loses her head. Sigh. I can tell this album is going to be my security blanket. I better buy two copies…
    • Poor Henry has been taking the brunt of this. I would be imploding if it wasn’t for him. <3
    • Except that he made my C-section incision hurt last night and then yelled at me when I said it hurt because supposedly since it’s been 8 years, it shouldn’t hurt anymore or something?! Ugh, fuck you, Henry. He was like, “Thank god it wasn’t a vaginal birth. We never would have had sex again.” He’s not wrong.
    • He just walked past me and shook his head because I’m listening to Emarosa again and making sad faces. SAD ERIN IS SAD OK.
  • We were playing this game on xbox, Fibbage, on Sunday, where you make up lies to questions and then everyone has to guess which is the truth. One of the questions was something like “Who were people lobbying to get taxed because they are so annoying?” and Henry’s lie was “Erin Kelly.” :(
    • The actual answer was “hipsters.”
  • Henry drove me to work today (yay!) and I freaked out because I thought I saw Knight from the Real World. Turns out it was not Knight from the Real World.
  • And to cap off the day, I just came home from a coffee date/therapy session/laughathon with my friend Lisa and I gotta tell you, I feel a lot better about life right now. Everyone needs a friend like Lisa. We talked about the one time we went to the arts festival when we were 18 or 19 with two kids from her youth group and I gave them a cigarette when Lisa wasn’t looking and then pretended I didn’t know how young they were. “Yeah, and you were also flirting with one them the whole time,” Lisa sighed. TYPICAL ERIN, AMIRITE.


  • OK. Thanks to the pumpkin spice horchata latte I guzzled at 8:30pm, I’m going to spend the next 3 hours painting more Twin Peaks characters. So far I have Log Lady, Agent Dale Cooper, Dead Laura Palmer and Doctor Jacoby! BUBBBYE.

  8 Responses to “Tuesday’s Trail of Thought-Tears”

  1. But if you don’t have a pie party who will help me slowly work my way through all of the party supplies filling up my trunk? :-P

    Where did this magical sounding horchata pumpkin latte come from? YUM!

  2. I would tell Eric to look out for you at Riot Fest, but he’s so not the type to approach random people even if he’s acquainted by osmosis.

  3. Do NOT regret bringing Chooch to the party. I love that boy!!! I enjoyed telling him that I was going to lock him in various parts of the house if he kept acting like a brat. lol! Seriously though, I’m glad you guys came and had a good time. Henry makes delicious foods.

  4. Steelers’ bye week isn’t until the middle of Nov…just sayin’. BUT they aren’t playing 10/19 (Monday game) :)

  5. Pumpkin spice oh god yes! It’s about time. There are two good things about Fall – pumpkin spice and all things Halloween. That’s it though.

  6. “He told me about this one time when his ex-wife spit in his face and now I’m obsessed with it and have made him repeat the story at least 6 times since then.”
    TOLHURST! Please, let this story grow into wheelchair proportions!!

    “He just walked past me and shook his head because I’m listening to Emarosa again and making sad faces. SAD ERIN IS SAD OK.”

    He really should be used to this by now. Just like we are all used to his striped shirts.

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