Jan 122012

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, you guys, and I’ve added two new cards for 2012! If your concubine is anti-sap and more into macabre humor, then these cards are perfect for you. Otherwise, go cry to mommy.

Got someone in your sights? Woo them with a card featuring the mug of huggable coed killer, Ed Kemper. The words on the card are his own (though I swapped out “her” with “you/your” to make it more personal).

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This could be used as a Valentine, a random note to put the fear of God in your stalkee’s heart, or a reminder to your current mate not to feel too safe.

Because no one knows passion more than a serial killer.

Card is standard size and comes with an envelope, because that’s what Ed would do.

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Everyone wants to compare their love to a zombie’s affection for brains, but what about mass nurse-slayer, Richard Speck? Let your loved one know that your adoration for them is on par with Speck’s passion for fine, nubile womanly caregivers. Make someone swoon today, why dontcha. Use it as a Valentine; a pick-me-up; a “Sorry I banged the nanny”; a reminder that yes, you’re still there, hiding behind the bush in the front yard.

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The inside is blank in case you want to go ransom note-style on it.

This card comes with an envelope! What a fine world we live in.

Check out the full collection over at non compos cards. And if serial killers aren’t your thang, check out the zombie Valentines!

Oct 262011

The first mix tape I ever made  I was 3 or 4 and using a Fisher Price tape recorder, the kind that came with the attached microphone on a coil. The mixtape was opaque yellow with a rainbow on it and I vividly remember jamming the mic into the speaker of the TV while the video for Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me” was on. Years later, I taped over some of the more frivolous recordings with speaker-crackling songs from my favorite 80’s movie, Back to the Beach.

In addition to that were snippets of adult conversations I would clandestinely record: my mom and Grandma whispering in the kitchen, my Pappap on business calls. God, I miss mix tapes. I miss THAT mixtape, especially.

This painting is an homage to those neon-flavored lo-fi years. It’s painted on a repurposed piece of stock art I found at the flea market & purchased for the frame. It comes varnished and ready-to-hang. Get stoked!

With the frame, this measures approx. 9in. x 9in.

If you want it, you can get it here.

(I was  going to keep it for myself, but it’s time to let go of some things.)

Jun 182011

Hey zombie fans! Halloween may be a few months away, but if you’re a true lover of the undead, it’s never too early for cemetery-flocking and brain-craving. And just for you guys, I have re-added some zombie-related shit to my Somnambulant shop.

If you’re a real George Romero fanatic, you might be aware that Night of the Living Dead was filmed an hour or so outside of Pittsburgh in the Evans City Cemetery. I’ve turned some of my photos from that very cemetery into pendants, and by that I mean I literally make 4 every six months because this crafting business is exhausting, you guys.

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Actual photos, which I am hoping to have available for purchase sometime in the near future over at Appledale Snaps:

And here they are in pendant-form:

They’re $15! Go get one!

Here is what people are saying about them:

Jane from Ass Stew, Arkansas purrs, “I spent my last $10 on this pendant instead of cat food. Now my cat’s dead, but at least I have a cool pendant. And something to eat.”

Timothy from Toenail, Utah writes, “Gave this to my mother for her birthday. She keeps saying it feels like zombies are trying to burst through her chest like it’s a brick of solid grave dirt.

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This makes me happy because I hate my mother.”

Ulysses from PeePoo, Canada signs, “Ever since I bought one of these, pianos keep coming dangerously close to falling on me as I walk through seedy neighborhoods collecting money for the deaf. Clearly this is a good luck charm.”

If you’re in the market for paper goods, maybe looking for some sort of LOVE card to give to the mailman you’re stalking, I have some zombie-flavored note cards over in my other shop, non compos cards:

It’s proven that this card will brainwash even the chastest of priests into falling in love with you. Besides, the zombie was drawn by Chooch!

This concludes my quarterly plea for sales.

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Carry on.

Apr 082011

Easter’s pretty lame for adults. I try to keep some of the child-like wonder alive by dyeing eggs, but that shit gets old after dunking one hard-boiled chick into a cup of colored vinegar. Andrea from My Pretty Zombie must feel the same way because she created a limited edition Easter eye shadow set for us child-like grown-ups to still feel some Resurrectionary joy.

This picture was taken from MPZ’s Etsy, credit goes to Andrea.

Deviled Egg with a little Rabbit’s Foot on top, Basketcase and Dye! Dye! as liner. Vacant stare  not included.

I wish these pictures showed the awesome red glitter in Deviled Egg, but I am not skilled in cosmetic photography. But seriously, go grab one of these sets — she only made about 20 of them and it’s totally worth it. I made sure I was the first one to get one because I’m a whore for MPZ.

And while I’m on the Easter kick, I think that the art of Easter card-sending is dead. I haven’t received an Easter card since I was a good Catholic kid anticipating a new My Little Pony in my goddamn Easter basket. My mom used to intercept my Easter cards and steal the money from them.

Even still, I sort of miss getting Easter cards. Someone you know might feel the same way, so why not surprise their grown-up, basket-less self this Easter by sending them this card.

This card features the same zombie from my other cards, as drawn by Chooch, and I added some digital embellishments to give him a Jesus bent.

Comes with an envelope, because that’s what Jesus would do. You can pick one up over at Non Compos Cards, and use the coupon code “jejune” for free shipping.

I’m taking a zombie self-defense class on Palm Sunday. Totally feeling Easter this year. Might even buy a Laura Ashley.

Mar 082011

When Milly came calling on Ethel one afternoon, she was a bit unnerved by the soft plopping sensation she kept feeling on her shoulders.

Milly tried not to look distracted while Ethel yammered on about the new compost pile her husband Jim-Bitch had engineered right there in the backyard, next to the rusted 1967 pick up truck and behind the pig sty. As more gentle plops landed upon her shoulders and gingham’d bosom, Milly tightened her grip on the mason jar of moonshine Ethel done served up. Trying her darndest to retain eye contact, she waited for Ethel to get up and whip her kids before flicking and swiping at the hardening lumps on her shoulders.

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Twenty-eight minutes into her visit, Milly was taking a long slurp of ‘shine when something wet and mushy went splat-squish on her head. And then, a second later, a thick brook of warm goo glooped right on down her forehead, right on past the whisker-sprouting mole, before pooling into a moist inlet of fecal marsh at the bridge of her nose.

Looking up slowly, Milly was met with ruffled feathers and at least eight sets of beady eyes.

“Ya’ll gots some birds up in there,” she drawled to Ethel, pointing up at the rafters. And she took another long gulp of moonshine while Ethel went to town with a leather belt on the backside of her redheaded stepson for burying the neighbor in the brand new compost pile, goddammit.

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New size pendants up in here! Measuring 1.22 x 1.22″, a print of my original painting Ya’ll Gots Some Birds Up In There has been miniaturized and sealed with resin so that you can have your own piece of lilliputian art to string around your neck.

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Or the neck of your dog. Or perhaps you want to dangle it from your rear view mirror. This thing was practically made for dangling. Get yourself one here.

Chain not included, just in case the dangling gets weird and verboten; I don’t want to be held responsible.

Feb 072011

I received a really fantastic Etsy convo on Saturday, full of smiley-faced demands tempered with back-handed compliments:

hello fellow zombie lover!

i wanted to contact you regarding your “i love you like a zombie loves brains” love notecard. i have been using a very similar saying(“i love you more than zombies love brains”) on my work and selling it on etsy and through other venues since 2007 on ceramic dishes as well as screen printed cards. the zombie dishes have been in national publications(BUST, OCT/NOV 2007). i just saw your listing on etsy today for the first time. i’m hoping you would please consider discontinuing this design with this particular text or at least changing the tagline to something else? i saw your other cards with the same zombie drawing (which is AMAZINGLY adorable btw) and they super cute. i don’t have an issue with the image at all, just the tagline.
i did a search for the whole zombies love brains thing today and was shocked* to see all the products. i can’t help but feel like my undead toes are being stepped on a bit. so, i have sent out quite a few convos. but seriously, i really do love your products, they are right up my alley (but trust me – i don’t necessarily love the others i have been convo-ing – haha). let me know what you think about this.

here is my first ever listing of zombies like brains plate – sold on 3.5.07:
here is the “love” version that followed shortly afterward – this is a more recent listing:
the saying in card format:

i am hoping to resolve this directly with you and avoid contacting etsy because i know we can handle it discreetly on our own. we can co-exist in zombie-land together!

At first, I was like, “Oh shit, am I going to get sued?” I was with my Law Firm co-worker/friend Wendy when the convo was sent to my phone and I immediately read it her. She was basically like, “You’re fine. Fuck that” and waved it off. Then I sent it to my fellow zombie pal Andrea who was like, “She’s high if she thinks she coined that phrase. Eff her in the eye!” Of course, there are a million things I want to say to this broad, but Henry has urged me to just not say anything at all. That has proven very hard, and my patience is REALLY being exercised.

Anyway, this latest convo officially replaces this one I got last year as my new favorite:

I read your profile to confirm what I thought was so obvious … that you must be male. In fact, I was certain, you must be a young male. Your stories & language & interests made my conclusions so obvious.

What I couldn’t understand was that I appreciate the ‘bird art’ of such a person.

Well, I was clearly wrong about your gender. Perhaps even your age. As to my appreciation of your birds, this clearly requires that I consider a bit more about myself!

Thanks, bitches!


Oct 212010

As if I don’t splooge about this enough on here, I really love my friends over on the Etsy’s Dark Team. There was a Halloween Stalker Swap that I signed up for and was dying to know who my stalker was. My package arrived the other day and as soon as I saw the return address, I shouted, “FUCK YEAH, AGONY’S DECAY!” Remember my Jason Voorhees hair fascinator? JENNY MADE THAT.

You better believe I tore the shit out of that box, until the contents came spilling out onto my lap like an entire bushel of Eve’s apples.

I almost died.

The first thing I saw was a frightening plaque featuring Jason and Mrs. Voorhees.

I love it so much, though Chooch has already expressed intense interest in it so I have a feeling it will end up decorating his bedroom wall, right next to his framed eyeball print.

But right now, it’s hanging next to the front door, so back off my Halloween swag, son.

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(I feel like that could be a future photo of me and Chooch.)

I would have been satisfied with that alone, but my Darkside girls always spoil the shit out of me. So there was more.

Before I knew who my stalker was, the organizer of the swap kept sending me convos via Etsy, pumping me for information on behalf of my stalker, regarding my collection of Cure music and videos. Jenny used that info to put together a CD of rarities and a DVD of live performances!

Chooch came downstairs this morning while I was watching the DVD. He sat down on the couch and, after watching for a few seconds, angrily asked, “Where’s Lol?

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“Lol?” I repeated with surprise, wondering how he even remembered that, because it was probably over a year ago when I first told him about Lol Tolhurst, ex-Cure member. And then it turned into 20 Questions About Lol Tolhurst, hosted by Chooch.

“Why does Robert hate Lol? Is he sick? Is he dead?” And on and on Chooch went, obsessing over a man who hasn’t had any part of the Cure since 1989. Finally, Chooch made me Google Image him on my phone, which he took from me and proceeded to (quite haughtily)  flip through all the photos of Lol Tolhurst, past and present. Then he went back to watching the TV, disgusted that Lol was nowhere to be found.

Mr. Tolhurst, looks like you have a #1 fan.

Jenny also included this hot Robert Smith pendant! I wore it to work the day I got it and it wound up being a conversation piece. One of the analysts paused by my desk and asked, “Is that Robert Smith?” Turns out she likes The Cure, too, so we bonded over that and I was happy to have something in common with a co-worker. I told her about how I went to Australia to see them and she thought it was cool, not crazy, which is the reaction I generally get from telling that story.

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And Jenny knows of my hardcore Michael Myers passion, so she tossed this bottle cap bracelet into the mix. LOOK AT HOW FUCKING HOT HE IS! Oh my God. I’m happy to have a bracelet to go with my Michael ring.

Seriously, go check out her shop! Thank you, Jenny, for the creepy-awesome gifts!

Aug 232010

The best thing about belated birthday gifts is that you’re usually not expecting them and it provides lingering joy to becoming a year older. Cris from skeletaldropkick was the third person who got stuck with me for the Etsy Dark Side birthday swap, and her gift arrived last Friday.

It was worth the wait.

Skeletaldropkick mugs suit me better than any other mug in the world. I bought one back in 2007 and used it as my work coffee cup. This is what ensued:

This is my mug that I use at work. Sometimes, I leave it on the kitchen counter when I’m on a fervent quest for hot chocolate or making a pee pitstop before refilling with coffee.

Last night, I was washing it out when Collin (i.e. The New Guy) walked in behind me. After we got the “Jesus Christ you scared me!” formalities out of the way (seriously, that guy is the most quiet walker ever; his soles are padded with clouds I think), Collin laughed and said, “I should have known that mug was yours.”

I’m not sure what that says about me, but I’d like to believe it’s that I am an awesome young lady with great taste in handmade wares. Oh, and that I’m good at Boggle and blow jobs.

I still love the shit out of that mug, but I stopped drinking out of it for fear of my butter fingers giving it a literal skeletal drop kick. Still, it was the first thing I brought with me when I started my job at The Law Firm last April and it sits ghoulishly on my desk with pens sprouting out of his head. Oh, and don’t forget the cameo appearances he made during the Great STD Cookie Party of ’08!

I’m so excited to have a new skeletaldropkick addition. Can’t wait to see what kinds of lascivious shenanigans we can get into! Thank you, Cris!

Jun 212010

…except maybe bank accounts and Andre the Giant.

One of my past customers asked me  to make her a Cupcake Couple portrait that could be used as a cake topper for her upcoming wedding.

In tandem, I was flattered and horrified. That’s a lot of pressure, making something that’s going to be used in a wedding. I mean, it’s a WEDDING. Most people don’t go into those thinking, “Well, it’s OK if it’s not perfect, because I’ll probably get a do-over some day.” That thought process comes later.

My customer and I went back and forth during the process, because I wanted to make sure I got it 100% perfect. I didn’t have a picture of the hair to work with, since the wedding day hasn’t happened yet, so I had to go on description only. And I’ve decided men’s hair is my least favorite thing to paint.

Why can’t you all just be bald? Or have long girlie locks?

But I finally got it right and she said they’re both pleased with it, so here’s hoping it makes it on the cake and doesn’t get chucked at the final hour for some better Etsy representation of their coupledom.


CDs pictured are Chiodos’ Bone Palace Ballet and Circa Survive’s Blue Sky Noise and are NOT INCLUDED.

Apr 162010

Chooch will be FOUR (!!!) on April 25th so we’ve been all immersed in planning his birthday party. He’s still gung-ho about the zombie theme and I had big plans for the invitations. While I love my new job, there’s still that little bit of anxiety that comes with starting something new, and paired with the fact that I now have much less free time, the original invitation idea will have to wait for another year.

Instead, I thought it would be fun and simple if I just had Chooch draw a zombie. Then I scanned it, added an exposed brain, and digitally colored it. It was perfect, because my childish art skillz basically merge effortlessly with those of an actual child. It ended up being so cute and I was so proud of Chooch for his contribution, and we didn’t even butt heads! But it made me sad that only a few people would get to see it, so I changed the front to read “I want your brains” instead of “Chooch wants your brains,” and now they can double as note cards in case you want to send your pastor a note about last week’s sermon or tell your hair stylist that you’re cheating on her with the broad at Philip Pelusi.

zombiefront copy

Set of 5 on Etsy!

Mar 252010

I almost never buy myself stuff, but when I checked my account last Friday and was gently reminded by my balance that I have income again, I decided to go ahead and buy myself this Mama’s Little Babies bracelet I had been salivating over on Etsy. And then I splurged on some lotion samples from Haus of Gloi.

“Oh, that’s great,” Henry patronized. “Don’t buy things you need, like clothes and new tennis shoes!” (Seriously, the soles on my current tennis shoes are so worn that I’d be better off doing jumping jacks barefoot.)

“I might soon be walking down the street naked,” I reasoned, “but at least I’ll smell good and have a pretty wrist.”

And of course, I lost my job on Monday. Which is why I almost never buy myself stuff! JINX FACTOR!

I mean, I knew it was only supposed to last a few weeks, but I guess I sort of expected more notice than basically being told not to ever come back as I was getting ready to leave after Monday night’s shift.

Monica and I knew it was coming because we’re not deaf to the anxious whispering that was going on around us.

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And I heard Evelyn say that she was going back to her regular daylight shift on Wednesday.

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So I thought, “Oh, well it sounds like we have one more night.”

Then, Evelyn came back from her break with a dozen frownies from King’s. Everyone else might have been using their frownie to mop up tears of unemployment, but mine was collecting tears for another Penguins loss.

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What? My priorities might be a little different from yours.


So I wasn’t too surprised when I learned my services would not be needed. Ever again. I was a little sad, because that was an easy job and a very mellow place to work. I didn’t hate it.

But! I had a backup plan at another staffing firm, which I called the next day and was pleased to learn the job was still available. I met with my agent at the firm yesterday, and she got me an interview for tomorrow.

Luckily, my bracelet arrived today so I can wear it to the interview.


Because good wrist ornamentation is what all employers look for. I’m sure there will be excited chitchat around the office about how that circus bracelet girl would make a fantastic addition to their staff.


At least I was home to watch last night’s Penguins/Capitals game. Which we lost.

Jan 252010



When I came across this gruesome Jason Voorhees hair decoration in AgonysDecay‘s shop, I immediately thought of how much cooler I’d be if I had one of those jutting from my crown. Not to mention the points I’d score with Chooch, who went as Jason on Halloween (still wears the mask, thank you) and has declared “Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter” as his favorite installment in the slasher’s ouevre.

Luckily, I buddied up with Jenny, the mastermind behind that shop last year when I first joined Etsy’s Dark Side. (I knew that would come in handy someday!) So approaching her for a trade was very easy, because I’m me and she doesn’t just trade with ANYONE.

OK fine, she’s trade friendly. But I like to believe that I was a special case (STFU) and also that I’m the only one she calls darlin’.

On Friday, it went down. I traded her two noncomposcards for one sensationally serial killer hair accoutrement, and it is already on my dome today. That’s some fast shipping; I wish I could say I was that on the ball. As soon as Chooch saw it, he did a double take and asked, “Is that me?? Yes, that’s me!” Great, now he thinks he really is Jason Voorhees.

Jenny is fantastic. I also own a Michael Myers ring from her shop; I believe I bought it before we knew each other and she was just as personable and lovely then, too. I hope to start the Freaky Features! back up again very soon and give you guys a tour of her brain. (If she agrees!)

I can’t wait to wear it out in public. I think the next time I’m with Alisha, I’m going to wear this one and the TWO that I have from Mrs. Evil’s. All at once, to see if it blows Alisha’s mind. Perhaps I’ll be able to stake them in the beehive that I’ll soon be sporting. (It’s true, I have been dreamin’ of an exquisite beehive lately. I might try and get it done in time for bowling next Sunday, OMG!



No one will fuck with me while this is clipped to my coif. To test that theory, I’m going to loiter in some dark alleys tonight. Then you’ll see!

Jan 172010

1. For some frustrating reason, I can’t get the screen shot thing to work, so you’ll just have to trust that the random integer generator chose #58 as the winner of the bathroom plaque.

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So congratulations to you, Jacque!

2. I am half-employed now. More on that later.

3. Warning – these are offensive to some people, I’m learning.



Axes and hoes,


Nov 192009


Have you ever laid awake in bed at night thinking about how you want to be friends with a  girl who bakes delicious cookies, serves their friends coffee proper-like in vintage cups, and OH YEAH makes gorgeous art? Well, I found her. That girl you want to be friends with? Her name is Mary Louise and she is the proprietor of a shop on Etsy called Mary’s Treacle.

Mary’s  paintings, while whimsical at first glance,  have tenebrous tones to them; imagine if Alice had to submerse herself in the ocean to get to Wonderland. So it’s no surprise that she’s also a member of Etsy’s Dark Side. (However, if sea creatures looked the way Mary’s mind creates them, maybe I wouldn’t be so goddamn terrified of all things ocean. Maybe I might even want one as A PET.)

Having had no interaction with Mary prior to this, I felt somewhat of a creeper propositioning her with a feature on my little blog. But she said yes, and now I get to learn about this fabulous teammate of mine along with the rest of you.


1.You currently reside in Seattle. Being so close to the Pacific, it’s no wonder your art is full of such fantastic sea creatures. But are there any other inspirations you draw from your surroundings?

Yes, definitely! Seattle is incredibly lush and beautiful. There will definitely be some paintings in the near future that depict its mountains, wide array of pine trees, colorful autumn foliage, the damp mist and the ominous black cloud cover we get in wet weather.


2.Mark Ryden once collaborated with Stan Ridgway and Pietra Wexstun to create a soundtrack for his Blood Show. What would the soundtrack to YOUR art show sound like?

Ooooh, Coco Rosie and Tom Waits.


3. I’m not ashamed to admit that I was a fan of MTV’s Laguna Beach and seeing that you once lived there, my fingers are practically doing the Lambada over here atop the keyboard. OMG I’ll just ask it: Did you live there while it was filmed and did you know anyone that was on the show? (OK, I’m a little ashamed that I asked this question, but it was burning inside of me.)

Heheh, I was going to Art School there at the time of the show’s filming. Laguna is sort of a small Beach Town and I actually found myself really annoyed when I wanted to go eat somewhere or run into a shop because it seemed they were always filming. My friends and I would always be groaning “Arrrg we cant eat (shop there, go over there, etc) there because they’re filming that stupid show!” I also wondered why anyone would be interested in Laguna enough to watch a show about it and the people there. Its seemed so humdrum at the time. My brother was actually in High School with them and they are in his yearbook.

My parents and friends still live there and I occasionally watch reruns of the show when I’m feeling home sick.


4. That really shouldn’t be as awesome to me as it actually is. But now that I’ve just let my guilty pleasure out of the bag, it’s only fair that you share one of your own!

That’s fair. I’m completely obsessed with all this Twilight crap, especially Edward. I just love it and I’m so embarrassed.

5. Don’t be! I catch my boyfriend every now and then trying to molest his hair into an Edwardian coif.

You are given the opportunity to have a commercial made for your art and have any film director of your choosing to make this into a advertising masterpiece. Who do you think would most accurately be able to represent your art and vision?

Spike Jones- Where the Wild Things are made me cry the whole way through, It was so thoughtful and beautiful.


6. If art wasn’t an option for you, what would be your Plan B?

A baker or a pastry chef, I would want to make people happy some how.

7. I love the baroque-style framing to your pendants. Does this reflect your personal style

Yes, very much. Not appearance wise though, maybe a little bit. I’ve been really into gold in paintings lately. I just love the Gothic era paintings covered in gold leaf. I end up putting gold in most of my paintings, I try to pull that feeling into the pendants too with those settings. I’m currently working on integrating some old tarnished metal into my paintings as well.


8. For the sake of this question, let’s pretend you’re trying to get on a reality show and you need to make a video application spotlighting your most interesting characteristics. What you would film yourself doing?

The process of making my art and the wonky, erratic structure of my work day. I’d like people to understand just how much work goes into anything handmade; the planning, experimenting, execution, successes and failures. I also would want the non-artists to fully understand that art IS work , is important, and should properly be paid for and that it’s not “Fun” for us just to do it for free all the time. Whew… did I take that too far?


9. No, definitely not! I feel the same way sometimes.

In Pittsburgh, we say “nebby” instead of “nosy.” I’d be a disgrace to my childhood nickname of Nebby Debby if I didn’t ask what you were like in high school.

GOTH of course, then there was that weird, year long embarrassing Rave thing, then Goth again. I’ve tamed myself down quite a bit, but the dark music, clothes, and tastes still lurk.


10.What can fans of Mary’s Treacle expect to see from you in the future?

I have so many ideas that I’m overwhelmed and becoming quite scattered. There will be more intricate jewelry with some sawing , soldering, and riveting involved. As far as paintings go. I’ll make you a vague list with no explanations, because I don’t want to give too much away prematurely.

* Eggs
* Evergreens
* 2 more Bunnies
* Eyes closed
* Masked
* Matryoshkas
* Rhymes
* Self Portrait


If you’re as intrigued as I am, here are some ways to keep tabs on Mary:

Etsy: Mary’s Treacle

Blog: Mary Louise Art

Thank you Mary, not only for taking the time to humor me with fantastic information, but for painting a world in which I’d like to live.

And I gotta say, I wouldn’t be mad at all if some guy decided to buy me one of her necklaces for Christmas. Perhaps that guy’s name is Henry and he’s bumbling around somewhere with Twilight tucked under his pit and half a can of mousse in his hair. (Don’t deny it, Henry.)